June 23, 2003
I think some Muslims are starting to get it

Please make sure you read at least most of this essay, if not all. It is written by M.A. Muqetdar Khan titled 'A Memo to American Muslims'. Mr. Khan is Director of International Studies, Adrian College, MI.

The introduction and some quotes:

"In the name of Allah, the most Benevolent and the Most Merciful. May this memo find you in the shade of Islam enjoying the mercy, the protection and the grace of Allah."

"I am writing this memo to you all with the explicit purpose of inviting you to lead the American Muslim community in soul searching, reflection and reassessment."

"While encouraging Muslims to struggle against injustice (Al Quran 4:135), Allah also imposes strict rules of engagement. He says in unequivocal terms that to kill an innocent being is like killing entire humanity (Al Quran 5:32). He also encourages Muslims to forgive Jews and Christians if they have committed injustices against us (Al Quran 2:109, 3:159, 5:85)."

And this line is one I will be copy and pasting. For future reference.

"The Israeli occupation of Palestine is perhaps central to Muslim grievance against the West. While acknowledging that, I must remind you that Israel treats its one million Arab citizens with greater respect and dignity than most Arab nations treat their citizens. Today Palestinian refugees can settle and become citizens of the United States but in spite of all the tall rhetoric of the Arab world and Quranic injunctions (24:22) no Muslim country except Jordan extends this support to them.

While we loudly and consistently condemn Israel for its ill treatment of Palestinians we are silent when Muslim regimes abuse the rights of Muslims and slaughter thousands of them. Remember Saddam and his use of chemical weapons against Muslims (Kurds)?. Remember Pakistani army�s excesses against Muslims (Bengalis)?. Remember the Mujahideen of Afghanistan and their mutual slaughter? Have we ever condemned them for their excesses? Have we demanded international intervention or retribution against them? Do you know how the Saudis treat their minority Shiis? Have we protested the violation of their rights? But we all are eager to condemn Israel; not because we care for rights and lives of the Palestinians, we don�t. We condemn Israel because we hate �them".

Please, do read it all.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 23, 2003 09:54 AM | TrackBack

"While we loudly and consistently condemn Israel for its ill treatment of Palestinians"

Something no-one on this site has ever done.

Posted by: harmonia on June 23, 2003 10:01 AM

Yep, as inconsistent as ever. But it is a demonstration of your AMAZING ability to completely ignore everything in a passage except what supports your own personal beliefs.

How come you didn't choose to abstract these sentences:

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is perhaps central to Muslim grievance against the West. While acknowledging that, I must remind you that Israel treats its one million Arab citizens with greater respect and dignity than most Arab nations treat their citizens

For that matter, why didn't you reproduce the ENTIRE sentence from the post:

While we loudly and consistently condemn Israel for its ill treatment of Palestinians we are silent when Muslim regimes abuse the rights of Muslims and slaughter thousands of them.

Very selective presentation of information there, Har. You planning on interning at the NYT?

Posted by: Nukevet on June 23, 2003 10:30 AM

I find terrorists to be cute and cuddly, especially the Palestinian ones.

Posted by: harmonia on June 23, 2003 11:12 AM

Then why don't you cuddle up with one that's wearing an explosive vest? And remember, commie, they're called freedom fighters - gotta keep your bullshit straight or no one here will take you seriously.

Posted by: Jeff on June 23, 2003 04:17 PM

Thats about it guys


Posted by: harmonia on June 24, 2003 02:58 AM


There's a very simple way to have your voice heard - notice how Sylvain's post was untouched by the Trollinator(tm)? Just post something that has an actual thought behind it, something that makes a declarative statement and then attempts to support it with a valid, coherent argument.

But no, I will not allow you to continue to spew the kind of nonsense you have been passing off as debate. You have hijacked my comments section for your own little ideological war, and I have lost my patience with it.

If you REALLY want to get your message out, start your own blog. Hell, you post enough nonsense here to easily make a daily post on a blog site. And blogspot will let you do it absolutely for free.

Posted by: Nukevet on June 24, 2003 07:52 AM

see also the https://disaffectedmuslim.blogspot.com/
blog for an occasional mullah-roast party

- - -
I just clicked the bottom of that artocle for his corresponding "Letter to Americans." Yikes! OK, the two were written some time ago, but

"Surely there are some Muslims who argue that democracy like everything Western is UnIslamic and evil. Fortunately such misguided people are few and have very little influence in the Muslim World."

"And through Israel, which is seen as an outpost of Western imperialism in the Arab world, the US occupies Jerusalem the third most holy Muslim city."

"Add to this the systematic destruction of Iraq, the death of over half a million Iraqi children through US sponsored sanctions, and the daily atrocities, assassinations and dispossession of the Palestinians by a US armed and funded Israeli army..."

"As far as killing of innocent civilians is concerned, the Israeli army kills many times more Palestinian children than the casualties caused by suicide bombers."

Posted by: John Anderson on June 25, 2003 07:03 PM
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