June 24, 2003
Coming to a town near you

That's right, smelly hippies.

I haven't forgotten this demonstration, I've just been trying to ignore it. But that proved impossible, what with the asses they are making of themselves and now arrests. So here we go.

What the hell are they doing in that pic? I have no idea, but they say they're protesting 'Genetically Modified' foods in Sacramento.

Here's a rundown of events so far.

Hippies get wind of a Ministers of Agriculture event in Sacramento and decide to make a week of it (it's in northern California, go figure). So they load up all the patchoulli they can find an go. Some of them buy a bus to make the trip more 'ecologically kind', but it breaks down and they have to rent vans. The funny part of this one is that they say they have 47 people and that they rented 4 'mini-vans' to make the rest of the trip. But according to my math, there are either people riding without seatbelts on peoples laps, or they had to rent big old gas guzzling vans. But what do facts matter to these folks anyways?

The IMC folks give this protest it's own IMC website, BiotechIMC.org. And the fun ensues. You should go and take a look. Just make sure the floor around you PC is soft as you may fall out of the chair laughing.

On Sunday some of the protesters declared victory after some them were arrested. Later that day they 'held a circle' and decided to march in celebration of the victory. It apparently does take a village to look truly stupid.

For pics of the dodos (but when will they go extinct, you ask? When they piss me off enough.) go here and here. Apparently 'fat buds' were also packed. Watch out for costumes, puppets and illiterate graffiti and signs.

Yesterday, some of the non-arrested hippies (why they weren't arrest for just being hippies is beyond me. Must be because they are in northern California) gathered in a 'Peace Garden' to protest its future as housing. They brought out those pipes they lock their hands together in and all. Here is a report of that along with some pics taken during the arrests. Nasty fucking hippies. I wouldn't sit down in a sty like that unless my life was in danger. But, I guess to them, it is just like home.

And finally here is one wasted souls jail experience. Entitled 'Pigs Suck!'. I did tell you they were illiterate, didn't I?

If you know a member of your local police force, buy him or her a coffee or lunch sometime this week. These asses will be coming to a town near you, and you may not get a chance at that time to tell the police they're appreciated.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 24, 2003 08:32 AM | TrackBack

So, rampant protests, vandalism, and riots over GM foods... sounds like a normal day in Moonbat land!

Posted by: Dave on June 24, 2003 12:13 PM


Which is why I can't figure out if we should bomb Moonbat land or just let them destroy it themselves.

Oh wait, its Europe. We'll have to save them again. But you know what they say, 'third times the charm'. Maybe they'll get it right this time.

Posted by: analog kid on June 24, 2003 01:00 PM

It must be a simgular hippy theory that to garden and be close to the earth you have to wear the dirt and sit in it. Hey my wife and I garden every summer, it's a hobby, but we never stopped showering and I didn't throw my razor away. For us it's a family thing, both my grandmothers raised families during the depression, our family does it now out of tradition and habit.

Plus the produce is much fresher.

Posted by: puggs on June 24, 2003 01:48 PM

You know, I don't agree whit what they are doing, if they are doing anything at all, but then what's this post about?
Is it just to vent on hippies?
Who cares?
I know I don't.

Posted by: Sylvain on June 25, 2003 04:35 AM

I do posts on the protest subject to show who destructive the 'peace' movement is. Judging from the flow through the IMC's, a good sized portion of this crowd was also at the LEIU rally in Seattle and also the anti Iraqi war folks that do nothing but cause trouble and bitch and moan.

This post in particluar shows that people who are uneducated on this subject can be a royal pain in the ass. Their main beef is that an 'EVIL' corporation has come up with food that kand defend it self from disease and insects without pesticides. So it must be bad.

They have no evidence of any of this. But since a corp came up with it, they must protest.

Posted by: analog kid on June 25, 2003 06:40 AM

Well I'll tell you this much, if AK wasn't doing such a great job covering the protest end of the lunatic fringe, I'd have to wade in sometimes.

For me it's just the whole raw injustice of pampered white kids chanting slogans from Mao's little Red Book and burning to be the Che' of the new century. They're alienated, they're oppressed, they're not apreciated........Fuck them, they had a Hell of a lot better chance than most, and they pissed it away for no other reason than they were bored. They could use their education and really help people within the system, yet they choose to try and bring down what I and many others defended. Bring down what gives me hope my kids'll have it better than I did.

I would put them all in the ground before I'd let them take that from my family. They can go play Fidel against Batista somewhere else. Communism is as dead and rotted as Marx's VD ridden corpse, and I won't have my son have to fight my fight again. Too many good people were lost to not have learned that lesson.

Posted by: puggs on June 25, 2003 07:02 AM

I followed the link. As soon as I saw "Indymedia" my neck began twitching, and my right knee began jerking uncontrollably.

Posted by: DustPuppy on June 25, 2003 09:49 AM
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