June 30, 2003
They've already prepared

I was able to saty away from the IMC sites for almost 3 days. But curisity got the best of me and lookee at what I saw when the page opened.


"One of the great puzzles of the attack on Iraq is the fact that the Americans have still not yet planted the weapons of mass destruction. With all the military in place it should have been a relatively simple matter to fly in some suspicious chemicals and laboratory equipment, and immediately 'find' them. Why hasn't this happened already? Did they try to do it and suffered some mishap which would account for the delay? Are they afraid that they cannot produce materials that look genuine? Are they afraid that someone in the military or the CIA would leak details of the planting? Obviously, being caught would be disastrous, so it will require a top expert to do the job."

Guaranteeing that the fools who follow them will continue to do so without question when the WMD's are discovered during the search of the 650+ sites left on the inspection list.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 30, 2003 10:08 AM | TrackBack

What a bunch of idiots!

Posted by: Conservative guy on June 30, 2003 10:52 AM

At this point, when we find anything WMD related, I say we don't tell anybody about it. It's more fun to listen to these tards lose their minds over why we haven't "Clintoned" a solution to the WMD question. Between these idiots and Michael "Daddy Didn't Love Me" Moore saying that they're actually DISSAPOINTED that the Prez has yet to plant any evidence, I'm getting all the laughs I need.

I think W. should sit on any WMD evidence we come across and fire it off in one big salvo the day AFTER the Presidential election in 2004. That way when he wins he can throw it out there as an "Oh, by the way..." and (God help us all) if he loses he can use it as a parting shot to say that his administration actually handled it's business and that the next guy in the Oval Office didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on June 30, 2003 11:09 AM

By the way when I said what a bunch of idiots I meant people like Mike there.....

Posted by: Conservative guy on June 30, 2003 11:19 AM

Well thanks for the clarification. After reading some of your previous posts, I'd be terribly upset if you'd meant anything else. Me falling into your definition of "idiot" could not possibly make me any happier.

It gives me the greatest joy and pleasure to be an annoyance to the likes of you in any way, shape, or form. Please continue with your pontifications on my mental capabilities by all means. Ever since our dear Ms. Harmonia ran screaming into the night, I've been saddend by the lack of banshee like howling from trolls around here. I need my daily laugh and fortunately, you, Conservative guy, have arrived just in time to ensure I'll have a source of entertainment.

Cheers ;)

Posted by: Mike the Marine on June 30, 2003 12:53 PM

Doesn't Moveable Type have spell-check??

Posted by: Sylvain on July 1, 2003 03:50 AM


Unfortunately, Sylvain, one of the weaknesses of MT is that it does not (yet) have a spell check. Hopefully it will in future versions. If I have the time, I filter my posts through Word or some other program, and cut and paste into MT. If I'm writing something on the fly, I just do the best I can.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 1, 2003 07:56 AM
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