July 01, 2003
Harmonia Imposter?

It looks like Harmonia has a new ISP - perhaps she got booted off of the last one. Or maybe she is spoofing the IP address from a Houston based ISP.

Anyways, conservative Guy, Nukevet's Love Slave, not harmonia, and probably a couple of others are all broadcasting from the same Houston based IP address.

Someone tell me again why she is anything other than a bandwidth wasting troll?


As I look further into the case of the changing IP addresses - it appears as if it never changed! Certainly the e-mail address has changed a few times, but the IP seems to be consistent. Not sure where the "I'm from Scotland" thing comes from, unless that is where the IMAP server for the web based postmaster.co.uk is located.

I did come across one post from "harmonia" where he/she lists his/her e-mail as j****.d******@**.com. Hmmmmm, maybe a little slip-up and use of the real e-mail rather than the anonymous UK address? Maybe Harmonia has a compatriot in arms over on this side of the Atlantic. Maybe drop Mr. Doleman a line and ask if he is in fact a barking moonbat. If he is appalled by the suggestion, then perhaps he should know that someone is spoofing his e-mail and IP address. If he stutters and stammers, then say hello to harmonia. I could always contact the IT guy listed in the traceback and ask if there is a James Doleman with an e-mail account there at IP ###.###.###.###. That might be sort of fun. I don't find any J**** D******* in Houston, but there are a couple in Beaumont/Sour Lake. That is a loooooong way from Scotland.

But whatever, it certainly proves the point of harmonia's intentions - just wants to flame, no intent on discourse of any kind.


I have edited our little trolls name and IP address, since we apparently got a little too close to home. Beating a troll with a clue bat is one thing, but making them cry is another, especially if they are an adult man masquereding as a Scottish woman. Let's just say that we need to have a new contest to choose what harmonia looks like. My entry is this:

Could be either one of these, I suppose. Do you suppose Harmonia still has hair?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at July 01, 2003 11:08 AM | TrackBack

On a comment on my site, harmonia entered the email harmonia@postmaster.co.uk

Posted by: dr.dna on July 1, 2003 12:41 PM

P.S. Her IP was (zukprxpro03.zreo.compaq.com)

Posted by: dr.dna on July 1, 2003 12:44 PM

Yep, that's the Houston based Compaq domain (aren't HP and Compaq the same now?)

I traced all of Harmonia's posts, and they are all from the same IP. I'm not sure where James Doleman comes in, but I suspect that is who Harmonia really is, which is sort of creepy. I get visions of some little mid-level manager, sitting in a prairie dog village of an office, pretneding to be a female from Scotland and tilting at right wing windmills while advancing the communist agenda throughout the world. That actually makes Harmonia seem even MORE twisted than he/she/it did before.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 1, 2003 01:04 PM

Oh this only gets better! Normally I don't watch soap operas, but this is just TOO DAMN MUCH FUN. She'll still always be the mindless, lost, little girl to me (even if it is a guy) - so I shall continue to refer to her/him/it as "our dear little MS. harmonia."

Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 1, 2003 02:12 PM

I found this referrence to James Doleman, on a google search. https://lists.stir.ac.uk/archive/media-watch/msg00276.html

And this, https://lists.stir.ac.uk/archive/media-watch/msg00288.html.

A possible lead, will continue the hunt.

Posted by: puggs on July 2, 2003 02:04 AM

Saddos, you really think I post on here with a real ip?

Posted by: harmonia on July 2, 2003 03:33 AM

off for good now, I post from work and having people trying to track me down is not fun.

Goodbye and all the best guys


Posted by: harmonia on July 2, 2003 03:41 AM

ah, I see you have taken my advice about Loving Your Troll~!
Such work you have done! It's surely bound to hang about now!
Remember, Trolls are good luck, regardless of how much bandwidth they waste. Trolls don't stay long on sites that aren't popular-I know this from experience.
Look at how much they offer! For instance, this post!
A Troll's sole job is to get under your skin, and it appears you got a doozie!

Posted by: Sylvain on July 2, 2003 04:00 AM

Hah! I guess it's settled, harmonia is old Jimmy after all. I mean come on: "Saddos, you really think I post on here with a real ip?"

Posted by: dr.dna on July 2, 2003 04:50 AM

She had a job?

Posted by: analog kid on July 2, 2003 05:02 AM

Not seriously tracking, I have friends, if I was serious I have more assets to bring in.

Suck's to have someone find your soft spots, don't it?

Posted by: puggs on July 2, 2003 05:08 AM

It's bye bye anyway Puggs, debate is one thing, threatening to track someone down is quite another.

You have friends, well that is easily the most surprising thing you have ever said.

Have fun Kiddies!

Posted by: harmonia on July 2, 2003 06:25 AM

Well, as Jamesmonia storms off in a huff, I think a couple of things are worth mentioning:

1) Whenever I have a person using several names and posting nonsense, I typically trace the IP to see what the deal is. I actually started out looking at Not Harmonia, Nukevet's alter ego, and conservative guy. It's only after I started going back to check on things that I noticed "our" Harmonia had the same IP as these other doofuses (apparently the work IP, judging from the response we got).

2) I didn't track James Doleman anywhere - I found the e-mail address, freely left on my blog, in a comment left by harmonia. Now, if Harm did screw up and leave his real e-mail addy while out trolling, exactly whose fault is that? So this melodramatic "I'm being tracked down" bullshit is just that - bullshit.

But, even though I think Harmonia is a total moron, I really don't have any desire to cause him/her/it REAL trouble - so I'm removing the name and the IP address from this post.

And a final note to harm - there are people out there who could do a lot more with this information that I could. If posting from your work address and being found out would cost you significant difficultiues, then maybe you should post inflammatory crap from work.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 2, 2003 07:53 AM

Last post

The reason notharmonia was created was that you were editing my posts to make them nonsense, same with conservative guy.

Anyway no doubt that little fact will be dropped down the memory hole.

Happy doublethinking all!

Posted by: harmonia on July 2, 2003 10:00 AM

The reason your posts were being trollinated(TM) is that you are a moron. If even once you made an argument an attempted to defend it - no problems. But you never did - you just make these outrageous assertations, refuse to respond when anyone makes valid points, and then run away when it's obvious to all that you don't have a clue.

But, as I said before - See ya, James. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Next time I'm visiting my family in Houston, maybe we can get together for a nice scotch as I pass through Beaumont.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 2, 2003 10:41 AM

I believe this goodbye about as much as the last ten Jimbob has given. Obsessives are predictable.

Posted by: puggs on July 2, 2003 10:58 AM

Nope, but then I never tried to hide it. And since you misspell my name the same way that Harmonia does, and since you use the same ISP that Harmonia has switched over to, I guess doing you a favor and removing your personal information from the post was just a wee bit too generous on my part.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 2, 2003 11:32 AM

Plus, dude, it's really freaking me out that you are using a feminine pronoun to describe yourself.

Posted by: Nukevet on July 2, 2003 11:33 AM


"You people suck! I'm leaving! I'm taking my toys and going home!"

"Have I mentioned I'm going home now? You censorious bastards! This is my last post."

Repeat ad infinitum.

It's just amazing how many neuroses the Lefties have. Obsession, serious disconnects with reality, etc.

Sylvain, shut it, you inimitable twit. Trolls serve precisely zero useful purpose.

Posted by: Eichra Oren on July 2, 2003 12:39 PM

My submission to the all-new and improved Harmonia photo contest:


"Harmonia" (at left) telling a co-worker about plans for the weekend.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 2, 2003 02:10 PM

"Sylvain, shut it, you inimitable twit."

What the fuck are you insulting ME for??

Seriously, I have never insulted anyone in here, and I won't tolerate insults hurled at me for no reason.
You don't like my sense of humor, fine. But you needn't be nasty about it.

Posted by: Sylvain on July 2, 2003 04:34 PM
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