July 11, 2003
I think it was the guy's hat

That endeared him.

Go here and take a look at Ratko Mladic and tell if you think it was the hats too.

Have no idea what I'm babbling on about? Well apparently, the Bastion of Weasel, Jacques Chirac made a deal with a real, honest-to-gosh war criminal. The deal was to sabotage the guys extradition to face charges of genocide for his planned role in the extermination of the Bosnian Muslims (something the 'religion of peace' has forgotten about us being the only ones willing to step up and stop, I might add).

But don't take my word for it, go read.

Found at Lucianne.com

Posted by AnalogKid at July 11, 2003 07:27 PM | TrackBack