July 12, 2003
Is Iraq really going badly, or would some just like us to think so?

The Weekly Standard, where I found this interesting piece. Since the BBC, the New york Times, The Boston Globe and numerous others were dead set against the war to begin with, how much should we listen to them now? Might this be a case of using every setback as justification for their previous position, when they ignore the whole of the situation in Iraq? They go there looking for failure, so that is what they see. Regardless of the true situation.

Are they hoping we fail, or do they believe it's inevitable? I think both. They dream of a popular liberal to rid the country of that "cowboy", and I think they'll play up any news that push that agenda. I also think they turn a blind eye to any positive developments, can't give the sheep any confusing information. Because that's what they seem to think voters are, sheep to be led.

Have at.

Posted by Mark Edwards at July 12, 2003 01:51 AM | TrackBack