July 13, 2003
Hatred, bigotry, anti-semitism and outright lies

I saw where Nelson Mandela has once again opened his mouth to bitterly denounce Blair and Bush. While Bush tours Africa, Mandela gives a speech in Europe demanding more help with AIDS and greater economic aid. Is he even aware of Bush's trip? I think he's lost what little sense he possessed. But his opinions aren't rare in South Africa, no the rabid leftwing is alive and well there. He merely parrots the voices he listens to, and brother you thought the British press was vile. Take a peek at this editorial from the Mail and Guardian, and see if you think we have a hope in Hell of getting a fair hearing from them.

Warning offensive images from said newspaper follow.

These are editorial cartoons from the paper. You know for people who suffered under discrination and bigotry for so long, the only lesson they seem to have learned is hate harder than the other guy. If you read the rest of the paper it becomes clear that the African National Congress is Hell bent on evening scores regardless of the damage they do to their own country. It's a mess and getting worse.

Africa is suffering, from disease, poverty, war and famine. It suffers horribly because much of it's leadership is either currupt, or hostage to stillborn sixties leftwing chic. The revolutionary struggles may gain them power, but when they turn on each other in civil war, or just enrich themselves by starving their own, the result is death on a massive scale. There are success stories, but like the arab world they are more victims of their own leadership and elites than of anything else. The Europeans created the setting for disaster, then let it happen. Again we may well be stuck with their mess to clean up.

I'm definitely sure of one thing, if the writer of that editorial is representative of the elites in SA, then the brain power to save Africa will have to come from Africans outside the elite. Because the elites are failing them, badly.

A very tired continent, and maybe some hope.

Posted by Puggs at July 13, 2003 02:10 AM | TrackBack