July 15, 2003
Yeah, we're just stacking em up like cord wood

It must really suck being an American Muslim, aside from freedom of speech, of travel, of assembly, the right to vote, live and work where you like. Yeah it's just so hard living amongst the infidels. CAIR is cited as the source for this article, which like asking the lawyer if there is a need for lawsuits. You kind of know the answer before the question's asked.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based Islamic civil rights group, said its office received 602 reports of discrimination against Muslims in 2002, an increase of 15 percent over the previous year

With all due respect to any really innocent victims here,................BOO FUCKING HOO................. 602 in a nation of nearly 300 million, is that the worst they can cite? Oh come on, I venture to suggest that American Jews would like numbers so small, or Americans of any race that get shit because of who they are. The fact is that their parent cultures have chosen to make war on the west, that people would look on them with some doubts is natural, and frankly justifiable considering that that favored mode of attack is murdering civilians. As long as there is no violence against them, they're gonna have to live with it.

They could do what Italian, German and Japnese Americans did. They could stand up and embrace their country, they could make clear who's side they are on. But no they demand untouchable status while bellyaching and badmouthing their country for an old land that they left behind. One that wants us and the Israeli's dead.

Some people need their head extracted from their ass, CAIR would be a good start, but a Hell of a lot less selfpity from Muslim Americans would help.

To an Muslim American I would say this:

I'll be your friend if you love America, but if you come here to make a pile then run home with a bagfull of money and a line of shit. Forgive me for not caring if you fall off a tall building. The whole idea is that you become American, not a hyphenated one, but a real working love your country, help your neighbor, send your kids to to school one. Get out of the arab part of town and live as one of us, we won't care how you pray. That's how it's supposed to work.

You have a right to disagree, not a right to be free of rebuttal. If you can't understand that, then you fail the test.

Posted by Mark Edwards at July 15, 2003 03:10 PM | TrackBack