I wonder where they get this stuff?
"Muhammad said in his Hadith: "The Hour [Day of Resurrection] will not arrive until you fight the Jews, [until a Jew will hide behind a rock or tree] and the rock and the tree will say: 'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'" said Hassan Khader, founder of the Al Quds Encyclopedia."
They are also forgetting one of the primary rules of handling firearms.
'Never do so when under the influence of alcohol or drugs'
AKA: When the trees and rocks start talking to you, you need to put the gun down, dude.
But on a more serious note, a Palestinian academic says tradition makes it religious obligation for Muslims to kill Jews? Go read from WorldNetDaily.
Posted by AnalogKid at July 16, 2003 07:36 AM | TrackBack