July 22, 2003
Yes, they should. Treachery is worthy of punishment.

This line sounds much like the arguements we hear on this side of the pond regarding PBS. This guy completely misses the friggin point, publicly funded means it's supposed to be in the publics interest, not a hobby horse for every leftwing boob with a cause and a camera. Failure after failure, scandal after scandal, the champions of lefty TV cry about the importance of an independent source of information. That is not what they deliver, when the slant is so obvious, the information so selectively picked as to be distortion, what good is it except as a propaganda tool to people who share it's agenda?

Kill it and be done with it. Taxing people to pay for the airing of views they do not support, do not choose, and sure as Hell don't vote for is extortion. It's regressive too, taxing working poor to pay for rich liberal TV, leftys love their own brand of fatcats.

Posted by Mark Edwards at July 22, 2003 05:09 PM | TrackBack