July 24, 2003
Backdoor Love Affair

I always understood that the AMA was an anti-gun organization. Their claim that firearms in the home cause 'a public health epidemic' is one of the most historically stupid remarks put out by a group of professionals. But I hadn't heard about the PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) until this.

"Today the Center for Consumer Freedom called on the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) to come clean about its animal-rights motive for attacking diets that feature any meat or dairy foods. PCRM, an animal rights front group claiming to be a medical charity, launched a media campaign this week featuring reckless charges about health risks supposedly connected with eating meat."

"This misnamed 'physicians committee' represents a tiny fraction of America's doctors who place animal-rights ideology above their patients' health," said Center for Consumer Freedom research director David Martosko. "PCRM has asserted itself as a home for anti-meat, pro-vegan nutritionists who are committed to removing beef, dairy, poultry, and other animal products from the American diet for good."

I know they won't read this, but just for being a group of dumbasses, I'm firing up the mini-grill for breakfast. Steak and Eggs anyone?

Posted by AnalogKid at July 24, 2003 08:11 AM | TrackBack
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