July 26, 2003
Heard it on the X

This is a 'Possible New Cult Alert'

I was listening to the always entertaining 'Coast to Coast AM with George Noory' (the new Art Bell show) show last night. When I say 'always interesting, I mean that he has some real, umm different, folks on his show.

Well, last night he had a representative for this guy, Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto plays music for water. He also shows water pictures, has groups of people hold hands around water while thinking 'happy' thoughts, and he even has a 'Water Prayer'.

After he does these things to the water, he freezes it and takes pictures of it. He claims that when he does nice things to water, it makes crystals. He adds that, according to his experiments, the thinking of bad thoughts and playing of 'heavy metal' music around water makes the frozen water (ice) take on a 'blistered' appearance.

You're probably asking how this could be the forming of a possible new cult? Because he likes to remind folks that people are 90% water, so the happy thoughts are necessary for people to be healthy and happy. Plus he takes money from folks so he can travel around the world and do his 'experiments' on different bodies of water. He is currently in the Mediterranean after a stop in Israel.

I wish I could get a gig like this! People give me money and I go to beaches around the world and do 'experiments'.

Posted by AnalogKid at July 26, 2003 03:50 AM | TrackBack
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