July 29, 2003
Oh, the Humanity

Or is that canine-ity?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at July 29, 2003 09:29 AM | TrackBack

If/When they catch the guy, 'release the hounds' would be a good thing to hear. IMHO.

Posted by: analog kid on July 29, 2003 11:37 AM

Har har.

Anybody, steals MY dog, they'll get $10,000.... in pennies..... from the barrel of a 12 gauge. What kind of effect does a tumbling piece of US currency at high velocity have on a human body, I wonder?

Much like a man's car, don't fuck with a man's dog. Regardless, I wouldn't give 'em a fucking dime, but they'd best be damn sure I never caught up with 'em.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 29, 2003 12:51 PM

Maybe a wilderness excursion in Alaska? dress him in pork chops and shove him in front of a moving Grizzly, he'll have an interesting day.

Posted by: puggs on July 29, 2003 12:52 PM
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