July 30, 2003
By-Tor and the Snow Dog

Mr. Bill Quick, Master of the Daily Pundit Region takes on a certain David Neiwert, Prince of Orcinus, on the topic of Fascism.

Sir Quick's words are in bold.

"One of the essential traits of fascism, you may recall, is the widespread belief that dissent is treason, 'dissent' being anything outside the official party line."

"I don't think this guy has a clue as to what fascism really is."

"a longtime (though now former) Republican from Idaho. I have had ample experience up close and personal with genuine fascists."

"Sorry, but if anybody thinks the idiocy of a bunch of backwoods survivalists has anything much to do with genuine fascism, they need to check a few other sources - like maybe history books or genuine experts in the field."

Then the Prince of Orcinus enters the Region's comments section to start a discussion that starts like this, "Actually, Mr. Quick, my primary experience is with the folks at the Aryan Nations. This expanded in later years to the militia movement. If you choose to believe that they are not genuinely fascist, that's your privilege, as is any kind of self-delusion. But it's still self-delusion."

"Secondarily, were you to spend even five minutes perusing the essay at the top of my blog, you'd see that I spend a great deal of time discussing the meaning and definition of fascism. I use genuine scholars, not half-assed observations from partisans, for the basis of the discussion."

"Not, however, that I expect you to bother investigating further. You have your beliefs, and by gawd you'll stick to them, I expect."

And the battle begins.

All the Rush fans will know by now who wins this one.

Posted by AnalogKid at July 30, 2003 01:25 AM | TrackBack

I have to agree in part with Orcinus's claim, in that I believe all Republicans to be faciasts. I believe that if the Republican way of life was imposed on the mass's, that they would require that everyone do, say, act, & live life just like they do or instruct us to do (you'll notice most politicians practice what they preach.) & if we didn't comply I don't think they would hesitate to eliminate all the "Heritics" from the face of the earth. If I may paraphrase Carlin "Gun Nuts who are Agains Abortion & in favor of the death penalty & war & various acts of creulty" want the right to life to be Their right to decide who lives & dies. I would love to see just one Republican living their life the way Jesus would. You'll never see it because all the true Faciest desires is Power & Control. Damn them all.

Posted by: Dahgrosstabphri on November 7, 2003 07:20 PM
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