I was making a final pass through the NW IMC sites and found this.
It is a semi animated propaganda piece put out by 'Take Back the Media' called "An Army of One" that touts 'Bush's lies', 'Daily Deaths', and how the Republicans are taking the benefits away from the troops. All to the song 'Zombie' by the Cranberrys.
Watch only after removing all throwable objects from the immediate area.
Posted by AnalogKid at July 30, 2003 12:56 PM | TrackBackWhat the fuck do these dickheads know about courage, Honor and sacrifice. The Army Times piece has been looked at, it's bullshit. The WP is still the DNC mouthpiece, and most everything was either distortion or an outright lie.
Sorry, AK and others have keep us aware of what these assholes have really been saying about the troops, we know their don't give a shit if they all die. Hell half of them openly hope for it. This Tokyo Rose shit is just to destroy moral and encourage mutiney.
They forget a couple of things. First I venture most every single soldier envolved would consider the IMC shitheads lower than body lice on the evolutionary scale. Second, these are professional soldiers, not draftees. They aren't the type to suck their thumbs and cry for mommy when things get tough. They are real men and women, not the pale shadow that lurks in the bowels of the lunatic fringe.
Shit, I need to break something.
Posted by: puggs on July 30, 2003 02:34 PMThis shit would be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad. These cocknockers don't know dick about shit.
$1.5 billion cut in military housing - yeah and....? Military housing sucks. Everybody knows it. More and more people are living off base if they are able. And the government is undertaking programs to get PRIVATE OWNERS TO SUPPLY HOUSING TO MILITARY FAMILIES. OFF BASE. AT CHEAPER PRICES. Hmmm, I wonder why we don't need to spend as much to rebuild old shitty places when we can get new, nicer places, cheaper. Odd that.
Depleted Uranium?! Are we still on THAT inane horseshit? I won't even adress this stupidity. I could Google one of the MANY studies that shows that naturally occuring DU levels are on par with the DU "saturated" deserts of Iraq. But I won't. Because it bores me.
Health care? What's this retarded claim? That Bush et al voted down legislation that would keep Reservists' health care active for more than 30 days after they got out? Shit, I'm ACTICE DUTY, and that's all I get - 30 days from the time I get my walkin' papers until I have to get a new health plan. That's the way it is and you know what - most of us don't have a huge problem with it. You know why? TRICARE BLOWS. That's right, TRICARE's only really cool feature is that it's free. I have more TRICARE horror stories than you can fuckin' shake a stick at. As soon as I get out I intend on getting a better health plan - I ain't waitin' 30 days. This just falls under the heading of "Universal Healthcare" and is just as worthless an argument as it's always been.
The Army Times story? Let me paraphrase puggs: *cough*bullshit*cough*
BUSH AWOL? Oh Jesus H. Christ..... you idiots aren't gonna let go of that urban legend pipe dream, are ya? Just like the DU story, this has been raised to mythic status and is nonsense beyond all belief.
"Support the Troops. Bring them Home."
Why? So You can spit on 'em? So You can call them evil oppressors? So You can say that because they didn't frag their own officers, they are complicit in Bush's grand imperial scheme?
You assholes are so proud of Yourselves. You're breaking Your arms patting Yourselves on the back. You are holier than the fucking Pope in Your little world. Well I got news for ya: YOUR world and the REAL world are not the same thing. They aren't in the same ballpark, or same league, or even the same goddamn sport. If I had the choice between a terrorist and You, I'd take the terrorist at his word before I'd take Yours. I'd trust that he meant it when he said he wanted to kill me before I'd trust You when you said you wanted to help me. And so in that regard, yes, I'm an evil oppressor. I'm a baby killer. I'm as bad as the terrorist - because both he and I agree that You are a worthless American who deserves to die for the greater good of our cause.
Blow me, you fucking oxygen bandits. You're stealing perfectly good air from the rest of us.
Posted by: Mike the Marine on July 30, 2003 05:56 PMI'd like to know who puts up the money for this crap.
Posted by: Interested-Participant on July 30, 2003 07:14 PM