July 31, 2003
The Body Electric

AKA: The failings of Socialised Medicine.
AKA: Why the British Have Bad Teeth.

Take a look at this photo. Do you know what that is?

No, it is not a pic from the fromer USSR of people lined up for bread.

It is a line of people waiting to sign up at a National Health Service denist.

There were 300 openings, but close to 1000 people showed up. The office had to hand out numbered cards and hold a lottery style event to choose who got on the list.


Found at Samizdata

Posted by AnalogKid at July 31, 2003 08:56 AM | TrackBack

Is Atlas shrugging in England?

Posted by: ShortStackofRachelCorrieWithSyrup on July 31, 2003 05:58 PM
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