August 04, 2003
A nation joined in sorrow, and strength.

I followed Interested Participant back to his blog after reading his comments. Where I found this post, "A Note of Thanks". It's a letter written by a Christy Ferer, a 9/11 widow about her USO tour. It's an incredibly moving letter, and I can't recommend it highly enough. He found it at Absinthe & Cookies, and Mickey's Musings. Posted at the Air Force Personnel Center

A Note of Thanks to Those Who Serve
by Christy Ferer

6/30/2003 - NEW YORK (AFPN) -- When I told friends about my pilgrimage to Iraq to thank the U.S. troops, reaction was underwhelming at best.

Some were blunt. "Why are you going there?" They could not understand why it was important for me, a 9/11 widow, to express my support for the men and women stationed today in the Gulf.

Please, read it. And thank you again Mike, it was a treasure.

Posted by Mark Edwards at August 04, 2003 01:46 AM | TrackBack

Thanks for the credit.

Posted by: Interested-Participant on August 4, 2003 03:29 PM
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