August 10, 2003
Sliding downhill and gaining speed.

From Instapundit, Protesters demand U.S. withdrawal from Iraq

SAN FRANCISCO -- A group of about 600 peace activists and veterans marched through the streets of San Francisco today demanding that the U.S. government pull all its troops out of Iraq immediately.

"It went great," said Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange. "We are rebuilding the anti-war movement into an anti-occupation movement. We've dissolved the whole issues of being for or against the troops. Now we are with the troops and we all want them to be brought home."

Today's rally was smaller than pre-war rallies before the Iraq War started. Benjamin said the movement is still rebuilding. She said it will be difficult to draw attention to the anti-occupation movement in Iraq because the public is preoccupied with the recall of Gov. Gray Davis.

Considering the tens to hundreds of thousands before the war, this is pathetic. 600, might as well be 6....................For that's exactly how much interest that generates. San Francisco, and they can't stir up more than six hundred faithful.

Winston Elstob of Monterey was one of the veterans who marched with the protesters. He said he thinks quite a few veterans agree with the demonstrators that the troops should be pulled out of Iraq.

Another veteran, John Amidon of Albany, New York, said the number of veterans joining the anti-occupation movement is growing every day. Veterans for Peace alone has 3,100 members.

Some basic math, for the ex-KP master Amidon. During the Vietnam period ten million people served, and since 75, with a force of over two million active duty and reserve tens of millions more have passed through the ranks in the 28 years since. His group is 3100? Oh please, even going conservatively and only saying that there are maybe 15 million vets alive, that's like picking 3 guys out of a division and saying they represent the majority opinion. His group is no more worthy of note than any other band of social rejects.

Professor Reynolds is right, they are in serious decline in the anti-war movement. And on a personal note, I bet Amidon didn't have too many friends while he was in either.

Posted by Mark Edwards at August 10, 2003 02:26 AM | TrackBack

Regarding the "veterans" involved, I don't believe the numbers, first of all, and, secondly, I surely don't believe that all those people claiming to be veterans actually are. I know for a fact that more than a measurable number are imposters. The ones that are vets include, I'm sure, a number that left the service with something other than an honorable discharge.

Posted by: Interested-Participant on August 11, 2003 02:36 PM

The worst kind of dick. The guy who claims to be a vet, he only fools non-vets. I had a neighbor once who bragged about being a Marine in "Nam". Yet he tried to tell me he carried 7,62mm M-16? Huh?,.......The lies got bigger after that. He was a drunk fishing for free drinks. These kids are worse, at least the drunk only hurt himself.

Posted by: puggs on August 11, 2003 06:56 PM
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