August 13, 2003
This City Brought To You By The Letter 'M'


We visited the city of Missoula today. We wandered around downtown, hit the U of M, saw some friends that had moved from the Seattle area to western Montana, etc. I also picked up some info for Doc on float and fly fishing around here (also some bear, goat, sheep and moose for myself).

The town was blanketed in smoke from the forest fires in Glacier. If you were standing at the letter 'M', you wouldn't have been able to see across the town.

We also stopped into the town of Rock Creek. Next month they'll be having their 'Testicle Festival' which celebrates the "Rocky Mountain Oyster'. Here's the 'Testy Festy' website. Go take a look.

Tomorrow we will be taking a boat trip to something called 'The Gates of the Mountains'. From what I've been told the scenery is gorgeous. I'll be taking pics and posting them late tomorrow or early Thursday.

Talk to you all later.

Posted by AnalogKid at August 13, 2003 12:43 AM | TrackBack

'Testicle Festival', oh Hell no..............The day I eat a testicle will be the day Satan wins the Winter Olympics.


Now if they ever have a liver festival, I'm there.

Posted by: puggs on August 13, 2003 02:16 AM

Hehe. I've been to the town sponsored by "M".

Thanks for the brochure score on flyfishing, AK.

You guys enjoy the rest of the vacation.

Posted by: Nukevet on August 13, 2003 03:27 PM

I don't know about testicles, but chicken belly buttons are good eatin'


Posted by: Emily Nelson on August 13, 2003 05:18 PM

Ah, yes, the "M" that strikes fear into the hearts of southerners when they have to play in Washington-Grizzly Stadium in November!

Posted by: mtpolitics on August 14, 2003 09:55 PM

Won't be as good 2000, when they were holding it in CLINTON, MT, and invited Monica to be festival queen "because she's the expert."

Posted by: SDN on August 15, 2003 06:54 AM
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