Here in Helena, Montana there is a place called Fort William Henry Harrison. It was the training grounds for the First Special Service Force, a joint American-Canadian elite fighting force. The predecessor to the modern day Special Forces.
I have pics of the the names of those fallen in the service of their country, but I am unable to make the names readable. If you would like me to send them to you to have a go at them, let me know.
Posted by AnalogKid at August 15, 2003 12:15 AM | TrackBackI first heard about them when I was nine and saw this movie at the drive-in.
This Canadian site tells the actual history, as well as highlighting the film. Pretty fair, and if you're curious about this unit, it will provide enough cues to research further.
They were indeed the precurser to some of the units active today.
Posted by: puggs on August 15, 2003 02:33 AM