August 20, 2003
A Primer

I found this at the Emperor Misha's place.

It should be required reading for any Idiotarian who thinks that the 'palestinians' are 'suffering under Zionist oppression'.

"This is an automated reply from the Bullshit Detector at Little Green Footballs. Your recent post contained troll-like characteristics which resembles the type of message sent by spoiled ISM members on summer holiday, college students who have recently inhaled Noam Chomsky�s foul rantings, Adam Shapiro wannabes, Nazi sympathizers, or genuine Koranimals."

Go. Read. Good.

Posted by AnalogKid at August 20, 2003 01:54 PM | TrackBack

Hahahahaha! Absolutely stellar! A must read, for sure.

Posted by: Neal Mauldin on August 20, 2003 02:18 PM

Yes this is fantastic. Anyone already a Proud Friend of Israel will be emboldened in their beliefs as I truly became. Sometimes in the thick of absorbing material from many sources you need someone to sum up, and this does it wonderfully.

Posted by: RachelCorriePancakes on August 20, 2003 02:51 PM
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