August 22, 2003
Retired general turned dove, or just another hack contender?


Straight talk or nothing for CNN's Dobbs
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark was a long-time CNN military analyst but there's one cable network host he didn't impress: Lou Dobbs. Clark was a guest on Dobb's business show during the Iraq war and the host felt the former NATO boss seemed to push his own political agenda rather than provide the straight military skinny on the Pentagon plan, reports our Mark Mazzetti. The result: Dobbs, who hosts "Lou Dobbs Tonight," told a conference of reporters and military brass last week that he barred Clark from his show for the remainder of the war. Of course, he might not have know that CNN had moved to do the same thing when it came to using the likely Democratic presidential candidate as an impartial war analyst.

Another voice that peaceniks love to qoute, see, he's on our side and he's a big general and stuff, you have to take his word on stuff like war,.....cause he's on our side see!

(Yawwwwwnn), Well that's the thing isn't it. Patton was the finest assualt commander we ever had, he was also border line insane. MacArther was also brilliant, but a meglomaniac and insurbordinate, refusing decisions from civilian command. The whole arguement from the left is this, veterans can only speak when they back us up, no matter how few or why. Veterans that oppose us are tools of the military industrial complex and should be ignored. Granted a check from a defense contracter would be greatfully accepted, but I take my position without being paid for it thank you. This is what happens when the near entirety of one side in a debate has no idea what the military is, what it does, what it is bound by, or why.....

I'm a vet, I'm proud of that, but my voice is merely one from millions. Vets cover the spectrum, from a few lunatic lefties to the overwhelming moderates to a few hardcore neo-nazi's. You judge people on individual merit, you don't jump in bed with the first person to say, "hey, me too. Wesley's an ass, and should be treated as such, regardless of the new political friends he's found.

From Drudge.

Posted by Mark Edwards (puggs) at August 22, 2003 02:14 PM | TrackBack
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