I found this post on the Seattle IMC. It is a reprint of the 'America's Philosophers are against Bush's War' article from the beginning of the year.
If you read the comments, I go and call philosophers 'professional guessers'. This pissed one Willian Russell Payne off. He sent me his course materials from the 'Philosophy course' that he teaches at a local college (here, here and here) and asked me to look them over and 'tell me what this has to do with guessing'.
Here is my response.
Mr Payne,
Nothing is absolute. Everything is a guess. Your belief is only your opinion. Your opinion is only a guess.
Science is only called such because it is no longer considered magic.
Philosophers create opinions and bounce them around. If enough people agree that it is, to them, truth, then than person is hailed as a good guesser.
The philosophy gig was a good thing to get into when robes were fashionable. Not much heavy lifting involved. Later, after pantaloons had been invented to go with the frilly cuffs around the wrist, it became popular again. You didn't really need to know much, you just had to make it sound good.
Just like today.
Logic and reason have hailed a large number of good guesses.
I have taken the classes you have pointed out. Yawn. A lot of reading of other peoples opinions. Guess what, I now drive a garbage truck. But I can guess with the best of them.
An artist can paint a painting, mold clay, write a song or a story. A carpenter can build a house. A blacksmith can make equipment to farm with. All of these items are matierial. They have value in the world marketplace.
But a philosopher just thinks all day. He produces nothing but an opinion. Professional philosophers are layabouts. Anyone can form an opinion and be a philosopher. All of the people listed above can do the exact same thing. Is their's worth anything less. Or more?
A medical doctor goes to school for years to learn medical science. Guess what, he is wrong approximately 40% of the time if he doesn't specialize. If he does specialize, he is still wrong 20% of the time. Why? Because nothing is absolute.
Have a good day Mr. Payne. Be careful you don't fall off that pedestal you have put yourself on. It will hurt.
Phil (analog kid).
Let me know what you think. I ask that since I cannot take his e-mail out of his course materials, please forward and messages for him to me and I will send them to him. Thanks
Hey, wasn't the Unabomber a great philosopher? A wee bit crazy, but a philosopher none the less.
Posted by: Neal on August 22, 2003 04:34 PMAren't philosophers the kind of guys who know 200 ways to make love, but don't know any women?
Posted by: Cait on August 22, 2003 05:03 PMHarsh, but true.
Posted by: scooterboy on August 22, 2003 06:41 PMI thought they were guys who knew 200 ways to make an omelet, but didn't know how to open an egg.
Posted by: Neal on August 22, 2003 06:45 PMOr who have a great recipe for margaritas but lost the recipe for how to make ice.
Posted by: Cait on August 22, 2003 11:00 PMI always figured philosophers were a lot like officers... they have a lot to say about the nature of light and electricity, but damned if you can find one willing or able to change a burned-out lightbulb. (Apologies to all the good officers out there whom I've never worked for. Those that I DID work for... you'll know if you're excluded from the example.)
Posted by: Mollbot on August 23, 2003 12:13 AMYour take is dead-nuts on. BTW, these guys spew philosophy where they guess what's going to happen in 50, 100 or 500 years. What good is that? My kind of philosopher guesses the outcome of today's race or football game.
Posted by: Interested-Participant on August 23, 2003 01:19 AMEr, I/P, those kind of philosophers are called bookies.
Posted by: Neal on August 23, 2003 10:57 AMIsn't it kind of odd that only philosophers think that philosophy is the end-all and be-all of academic pursuit? Rand, for all of her good points, made that mistake with apalling regularity. So do so many others.
Posted by: Eichra Oren on August 24, 2003 12:13 AMA nation that exalts philosophers and demeans plumbers is in big troble, because neither its ideas nor its pipes will hold water.
Somebody said that.
Eric Hoffer was not a layabout, that's probably why his opinions were usually relevant.
Posted by: Inspire 28 on August 27, 2003 07:12 PM