August 27, 2003
Minding the details

We are justly proud of our men and women in uniform. We trust them to do the right thing when bullets are flying. This article may well be used to attack them, their conduct, their professionalism. Such an attack would be both a distortion and a fraud.

A distortion because of a few facts that will be all too easily skipped over in the rush by the radicals to paint us as the villans. The soldiers accused are being investigated by the military itself, not AI, not Human Rights Watch, not that Freakshow the International Criminal Court. By the US ARMY, and it's own Justice system. It's hard, fair, and not shy about convicting those who step over the line. I have faith that the outcome will be fair.

A fraud because out of 250,000 men who fought, four are accused, so far. Those kinds of statistics would be welcome in any major city, most especially in London right now. Our people have acted incredibly well, despite the temptations for revenge and lawlessness. I venture not too many other nations militaries could fair so well. Incidents happen yes, we still use humans, not the perfect socialist man created in the mind of Marx. But I defy anyone, anywhere to show how their people could do better.

The Russians-go ahead and roll your eyes, I know you want too.
The Germans-stop laughing, this is serious.
The French-well, if they can't stop packing field brothels with their army, I suspect the character of their troops is not very high.
The Chinese-uh huh, a bullet to the back of the head may end and issue, but it's not warm and fuzzy.
The Brits-well they are in it with us and their traditions are proud as well. Gold Star.
The Aussies-Gold Star.

But you see my point, as for the ones who'll march in the streets holding up placards screaming of Mi Lai's---------Since they were happy to allow the Saddamites to rule forever as long as it wasn't the mean old Uncle Sam dispensing the justice, their opinion has a hummingbirds weight. A moral whore shouldn't be in the business of finger wagging. Especially when they consider being told that firebombing buildings and relieving themselves on a sidewalk aren't acceptable the same as being "repressed". We've all had abject lessons in real repression, the cold war, and the third world version, little johnny getting thirty days for trashing a Micky dee's doesn't qualify.

Try again, getting tortured or shot would prove their point. Till then they should leave it to grownups to do the heavy thinking.

Posted by Mark Edwards (puggs) at August 27, 2003 01:15 PM | TrackBack
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