August 27, 2003
An Echo, A Stain

Some folks here may remember my conversation with Philosophy teacher, Mr. William Russell Payne, from last Friday.

Well, he wrote me a response. I'm not going to print it verbatim, but in a simple paragraph, he called me an arrogant ignoramus for thinking that no idea is worth more than any other.

I responded in kind by calling him arrogant for believing that because he went to school to learn how to think, he can do it better than the rest of us common folk. Oy, those crazy soft science majors.

I also included examples of opinions held by myself and opinions held by those who think differently than me. I went through and used the theories taught in his program and dissected them.

Oddly enough, the theories held by myself and those on the right stood the test, while those held by the lefty whackos broke like wet toilet paper.

I'll let you if he responds.

Posted by AnalogKid at August 27, 2003 01:50 PM | TrackBack
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