Think that's an exaggeration? Quick, which of the following are clan(shouldn't that be Klan?) slogans, and which is the official motto of MEChA?
Your race is your nation
Race, Faith, and Homeland
For the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing
Youth today, Leaders Tomorrow
Speaking of the 'racial supremacists", this is kind of disturbing.....
Posted by Neal Mauldin at August 28, 2003 07:00 PM | TrackBackHe'll not once get called on it. Trent Lott got the bum's rush from the President on down, this guy, let me guess,
Out of context
You missunderstand
You're just racist
All part of the VRWC
Liberal's CAN'T be racist
You're just mean
Did I miss anything? This same song and dance has been sung for 40 years. Somethings never change.
Which is good since they seem to lose alot with these methods.
Posted by: Mark (puggs) on August 28, 2003 09:22 PMAnd he's a socialist to boot. He made a speech yesterday proposing that gasoline be regulated as a 'public utility'.
Posted by: analog kid on August 29, 2003 12:22 AM