September 12, 2003
Still a simplton........

Robert Fisk, the wholesome spreader of propaganda and prevayer homoerotic wishfullfullment, has once again proven that he is without a doubt, the stupidest white man on the face of the Earth.

Who could ever have conceived of an American president calling the world to arms against "terrorism" in "Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza"? Gaza? What do the miserable, crushed, cruelly imprisoned Palestinians of Gaza have to do with the international crimes against humanity in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania?

Oh, little know Bobby, like maybe............BLOWING UP INNOCENT CIVILIANS YOU RETARD! I swear if I ever met muttface I would push his face inside out. He goes on at length, bringing up that lame old line about the Jews in Washington being involved in a dark cabal for world domination. Hell he thinks the Afghans were better off under the Taliban! Because now that they have freedom, look at how they abuse it. This is a light bulb moment.

In Bobby's world, people are sheep to be controled, by the right sort of leaders of course. Radical left, and totalitarian are good, because that saves people from making decisions Bobby doesn't like. It explains everything, his love of arab governments, his hatred of the west and America in particular. Taliban executions were merely excesses, the new government? Why they are EVIL, EVIL he says................His mom must have done heroin.

Posted by Mark Edwards (puggs) at September 12, 2003 04:53 PM | TrackBack
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