September 15, 2003
He can't spell

But he can do math.

One of the IMC minions took the US military casualties and dived the Iraqi civilian and military casualties with them and then proceeds to advocate the killing/suicide of US soldiers in order to 'save lives'.

"By statistics about this military raid, official 7836 Iraqi civilians were killed and by approximation 60000 Iraqi draftees till September 2003. Proportional 345 U.S. & UK mercenaries were erased."

"This means that statistically viewed any U.S. mercenary soldier can save 196 lifes in the future by his own erasement. It means also that to kill an U.S. soldier will be a good humane act by saving human lifes."

"These following U.S. mercenaries are now irrevocable and forever unable to kill more humans."

Yes, I know that this is all flash and no substance (hopefully), but take a peek at the site linked in this post.

Posted by AnalogKid at September 15, 2003 02:58 AM | TrackBack

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Posted by: EvilPundit on September 15, 2003 07:31 AM

Kill the unbeliever, dissent and free speech is unamaerican!

Posted by: / on September 15, 2003 07:57 AM

Why is it that the moonbats think they can post some bullshit and call it an argument? Try this on for size, you ass!

"All you hear is negativity. Ninety-five percent of the population in Iraq, in my experience with the locals -- they had nothing but good to say about us.

"A lot of them would come to us with information, a lot would come to thank us."

Kids jumped up and down when they saw his convoy, Cristea said. In Baghdad, Iraqis would crowd the barbed wire perimeter of his unit's compound and call out "USA! USA! Bush! Bush!"

"Whenever we drove anyplace, it was like we were in a parade," he said."

You see? I can cut and paste as well. And I get my info strait from a US Marine, you twit!

The article can be found on my blog.

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 15, 2003 11:53 AM

Way to go Dave. And Mr. "/," get a real name. Or are you afraid to take responsibility for the words you cut and paste?

Posted by: Mollbot on September 15, 2003 11:57 AM

You love free speech so much then "/" here's some for you.

That nazimedia fuckstick should be dragged into the street and flogged, then locked up for the rest of his unnatural life. I hope that craven little sack of puss gets cancer.

Aren't you proud of me? Since that's the only kind of free speech you seem to approve of.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 15, 2003 12:19 PM

The above "whois" information is publicly available to anyone who can type a domain name into the right kind of search engine.

However, it only identifies the domain's owner, not necessarily its user. The person who puts the content on a webpage may not be the same as the one who administers the domain.

Posted by: EvilPundit on September 15, 2003 01:25 PM

2 little points

1) the information is sourced from Reuters, I note none of you challenge it, and it quotes an appointed member of your little puppet government.

2) after the posts above you ask why I remain anonymous? thanks but I dont fancy being spammed and threatened by name if thats ok with you.

I would have hoped you would see a place like this as a forum to debate, childish insults dont really take an exchange of knowledge forward.

Posted by: / on September 15, 2003 01:32 PM

Roto-Reuters, you mean? The same "news" agency that refuses to call Hamas terrorists? The same "news" agency that still states Bin Laden "supposedly" masterminded the 9-11 attacks, even though Bin Laden CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE ATTACKS? THAT supposedly unbiased "news" agency? The same "news" agency that has been shown to be full of shit time and time again?

Try again, little twit. It amazes me that a fucking idiot like you can remember to breath. Maybe if you spent time listening to the Iraqi people themselves, instead of feeding at the Roto-Reuters trough, you'd actually learn something.

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 15, 2003 01:43 PM

"childish insults dont really take an exchange of knowledge forward."

cut-and-paste from a biased source isn't an "exchange of knowledge forward". Can you do anything else other than regurgitate whatever some asshat blows out his pie-hole?

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 15, 2003 05:10 PM

Here's some more cut and paste from the same article as / linked to:

...said Khuzai, who nevertheless expressed thanks to the U.S.-led force for "liberating" Iraq from the "dictatorship" of Saddam Hussein.

But Khuzai denied there was widespread resistance to coalition forces in Iraq. Attacks on U.S. forces and oil installations were sabotage, not popular resistance, she said.

"These are attacks carried out by the remains of Saddam Hussein's regime and some members of al Qaeda," said Khuzai, who studied and lived in Britain until she returned to Iraq in 1977.

Khuzai singled out the bombing of the Baghdad U.N. compound last month which killed 23 people and a strike against a mosque in the southern city of Najaf which killed at least 83.

"These incidents clearly point to al Qaeda more than resistance," she said.

So, /, the article you linked would seem to me to contradict a good bit of what you appear to be trying to say, although I have to admit, it's not entirely clear what, if anything, you are trying to say.

Posted by: Cait on September 15, 2003 05:53 PM


Go back maybe 6-9 months, look for any comment by a troll named Harmonia, and tell me they aren't one and the same. I already know they are for sure (even before the use of the word "quisling"), but there can be no doubt when you look at how "/" posts and argues. Selective use of quotes from suspect sources to make a point, multiple non-sequiters, and finally the abandonment of an argument when it is painfully obvious to all that there is , and never was, any substance to their argument.

Posted by: Neal Mauldin on September 15, 2003 06:54 PM

/ = harmonia

I'm just going to refer to our latest little turd as "harmonia". If it's actually him/her/it or not, I don't care. The blather is the same. The cut and paste is the same. The excessive quoting of Reuters is the same. If it walks, talks, smells, looks, and shits like a duck.....

welcome back harm

we didn't miss you one bit

Posted by: Mike the Marine on September 15, 2003 07:56 PM

"I would have hoped you would see a place like this as a forum to debate, childish insults dont really take an exchange of knowledge forward."

What possible kind of debate could we have over a nazi site that calls US troops mercenaries, and calls for their deaths?............None what so ever.

We can debate what kind of lunatic fringe harpy would defend such an asshole, but I don't care too.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 16, 2003 12:36 AM

/ = unhappy that the Canadian pot is not worth the price. / = faceless, gutless coward who plays the electronic version of ding-dong-dash, ringing our doorbell anonymously and hiding in the internet's bushes. / = windbiscuit

Posted by: Patrick on September 16, 2003 10:17 AM

Beware the / Globilization of Stupidity.

Indy Media, clommed onto this one with both toofess... of course they never quote the whole article and place it in context.

Mindless Minions like / Reading IMC like it was the voice of truth. Instead of the Contrived Propaganda it is. Then calling Reuters because that's what the link said.

Posted by: MadDog on September 16, 2003 01:56 PM

Play the man not the ball, ignore any argument and attack the source.

Usual tactics of someone without a leg to stand on in an argument.

Posted by: / on September 17, 2003 05:09 AM

When have you EVER made an arguement, and not just thrown out an ignorant statement?

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 17, 2003 11:11 AM

/ quipped incoherently

[quote]Play the man not the ball, ignore any argument and attack the source.

Usual tactics of someone without a leg to stand on in an argument.[/quote]

What has this response have to do with anything?
You have hit your head on the shallow end of the gene pool.

Posted by: MadDog on September 17, 2003 01:44 PM

Hehe, Yep. That's Harms/ favorite tactic. Come flying in with a complete non-sequiter.

You can be discussing the relative merits of capitalism vs communism, Harm/ can be getting his/her/its butt kicked, in which case Harm/ promptly declares "the sky is blue! This is a true statement, therefore I win!"

Very, very, very typical behavior.

Posted by: Neal Mauldin on September 17, 2003 03:11 PM
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