September 21, 2003
I've been inspired

My first photoshopped pic.

I'd like to thank the Seattle IMC for this article in particular, Mr. Johnson from Little Green Footballs for the pic of Rachel burning the US flag on foreign soil, and Aaron the Liberal Slayer for the wonderful background pic.

Their inspiration was overwhelming.

Posted by AnalogKid at September 21, 2003 12:53 AM | TrackBack

Hey, he's just returning the favor Corrie paid them.

Insensitive? Like anyone here hasn't been called something vile by the retards who believe Corrie was a saint. They need to grow some sensitivity of their own first. Piss on them too.

Good one AK, I look forward to your next effort.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 21, 2003 08:31 AM

The rabid-right shows it true colours.

Thanks for the reminder of how mean spirited, sad, bitter, nasty and small minded you really are.

Posted by: / on September 21, 2003 11:53 AM

"Thanks for the reminder of how mean spirited, sad, bitter, nasty and small minded you really are."

Oh yes, by all means, you and your friends set such a sterling example. Being criticized by you stands as a badge of Honor. We must be doing something right.

Don't look in the mirror much do you?

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 21, 2003 12:37 PM

I'll say to you, /, what I said the IMC and PMWatch geeks. Bwwwaaaaaa!.

Folks such as yourself revel in putting Hitler's mustach on Bush or Ashcroft or making them out to be primates, etc.

Yet when something that'll get this little amount of exposure that harms the memory of one of your hallowed is brought up, you all act so innocent and that your shit don't stink. What a buch of whiny little bitches.

Speaking of shit, when you deliberately gather it up and sling it at people (like thw WTO nerds did last week) it truly shows that your side has absolutly no class, morals, or right to bitch about little shit like this. Go fuck yourself, /, and I'll find Corrie's grave and piss on it personally.

Posted by: analog kid on September 21, 2003 02:01 PM

The least you could do for the theft is perma-link me in your Nukevet Hangouts blogroll. ;-)

Posted by: Aaron's Rantblog on September 21, 2003 07:16 PM

Aw, did / get his feewings hurt?

My only regret with the whole Rachel Corrie incident is that is wasn't captured on video tape so we could stream it over the net for our own enjoyment.

Corrie was defending terrorists that murder innocent women and children. Fuck her. I'm glad she's dead. She deserved everything that happened to her and will forever be St. Pancake, defender of the suicide bombmakers.

Posted by: beaker on September 21, 2003 10:05 PM

The Corrie soliloquy starts:

2-D or not 2-D, flat is the question.

Posted by: Aaron's Rantblog on September 21, 2003 10:13 PM

Damn, and may I be the first to say after all this that I like this one even better than the Hillary one!
Oh, and ,I'd rather be rabid right than rabid wrong:)
Good job, AK!

Posted by: SondraK-With-The-Pointy-Head on September 22, 2003 12:20 AM

Glorying in the death of a young woman, as I said sad beyond belief.

I wonder about the humanity of someone who would dream about peeing on a grave, but perhaps where you all live thats normal behaviour.

Where I live anyone who did that would be a prime candidate for psychiatric help.

Posted by: /. on September 22, 2003 04:14 AM

?, you're nothing but a hipocritial shit-sucking yellowbellied coward. You defend murderers, terrorists, and scum of all stripe, yet when we show the slightest bit of disrespect to a terrorist supporting bitch, you start to scream. Fuck you and fuck your failed ideology, you miserable pisant. I'd love to piss on your grave, and moreover, I'd love to put you in it. Why don't you go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of and stop bothering your superiors.

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 22, 2003 09:32 AM

Raging Dave seems to be another one who need therapy.

Have I wandered into some psychotic fantasy self-help group?

"I would love to pee on a grave"

"I would like to kill you, bury you and piss on your grave"

is there a name for this weird sexual fantasy?

Posted by: / on September 22, 2003 09:51 AM

Yes, it's called Justifiablus Homicidus Eroticus. That's where I get a woody when I think of how deserving of death you are, harm (or h, or /, or whatever else you call yourself)

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 22, 2003 02:20 PM

So you are a necrophilliac?

How interesting that you are so free in admitting it........

Posted by: / on September 23, 2003 10:56 AM

I hate to break it to you, /, but you're what hard-core Marxist-Leninist cadre used to call a "useful idiot". They used to use people like you as protective coloration in "Popular Fronts" or "Rainbow Coalitions" to mask their own aims. Then, when the Revolution came, people like you who had helped bring it about were the first against the wall. Rachel Corrie was one of the more repulsive varieties of this breed. It's funny, the Islamists you and she excuse would destroy either of you with the greatest pleasure, once you had served your purpose. It's not Western conservatives you should be afraid of, dear.

Posted by: Jimmie on September 23, 2003 07:51 PM
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