September 23, 2003

Yesterday was the last day of summer. Yay!

Fall is so much better than summer.

No the pic isn't current. But in 6 weeks, that is what my neighborhood will look like that. Believe it or not, I like rain and fog and snow. The tree hugging freaks get out of the woods so that folks like myself can go kill animals, although I probably won't participate this year (again!). I can have a fire in the fireplace or in the backyard pit. Then there's Halloween (the wife's favorite holiday), Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years (yes I know the last two are technically in 'Winter', but that season is only slightly less cool than Fall). Add to that my wedding aniversary and both my and my wife's birthdays, my secret recipies for both spiced apple cider and real hot chocolate, and you have one hell of a good few months.

Another reason I like the fall is that it depresses the 'shiny' people. I could not believe it when, a couple years back, they actually gave a medical term for the 'winter blahs'. I don't remember what the term was (maybe the doc'll know), but I call them whiny fucks. Bundle up asshole, it gonna be cold as a bitch today. And don't ask me 'Is it cold enough for you?' because I swear I'll find a dirty slushball and make you eat the son of a bitch. No! It's not cold enough for me! It won't be cold enough for me until it is so cold that you move out of state. Of course its cold nimrod, its December and this ain't fucking Hawaii.

Can you tell that I live around a bunch of ex-Californians yet?

Sorry for the vitriol. I would like to wish you all a most excellent Fall and Winter. And remember to bundle up boys and girls.

Posted by AnalogKid at September 23, 2003 01:30 AM | TrackBack

How could anyone not love the autumn? The Fall is comforting, a smooth transition. The Fall has color and a warmth to it not born of temperature. It's the reflective time, a thinking mans season. I always loved it, and felt at home in it. It's a light in the window, a warm fire, a loving family gathered around. It's both an end and a beginning.

It's also a reminder of mortality, of the passing of youth. I welcome it's embrace, because I'm tired, and the run has been hard. I don't wish to hurry it along, but I find peace in it. A promise of rest made, but not yet kept. Someday, I'll rest,....someday, but not today. I've just begun the journey into my autumn years, I don't fear them now as I did when I was a child. It's my favorite season, it's the season for people who see life as it is and love it anyway, who hold onto it with both hands.

It's a good time.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 23, 2003 04:19 AM

I may get the threats from the freaks, Mark, but you can write.

Right on.

Posted by: analog kid on September 23, 2003 04:52 AM

That's one helluva nice picture.

Posted by: Interested-Participant on September 23, 2003 06:12 AM

Ha, ha, ha. Fall. Sure. Looks just like summer here in Texas. But, contrary to popular belief, we do have four seasons in Texas, as follows:

1. Not quite summer
2. Summer
3. Still summer
4. Hunting

Posted by: Cait on September 23, 2003 08:42 AM

Fall is my favorite as well. As nice as summer is, there's nothing like being in sweats, reading a book by the fireplace and sipping hot chocolate (dosed with Rumplemintz, of course).

Fall is the World Series, fall is FOOTBALL, fall is an undescribable smell in the air when you step outside in the morning. Fall is frost on the ground, and laughing at all the Californians who bitch and moan about it.

Fall rocks.

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 23, 2003 09:56 AM


It was a shock for me to move from my native Texas to New York, and discover the seasons of fall and winter. They rapidly became my favorites, as well. I love living in LA (that's LOUISIANA for the geographically challenged among you), but I do miss the cold. I liked nothing better that to put on my big Carhart coat, grab a stogie and my snowshoes, wake the dogs up from their naps, and heading off into the Catskills for a brisk winter's walk.

Of course, coming home to a roaring fire and 30-something different types of single malt scotch just made everything that much sweeter.....

Posted by: Neal Mauldin on September 23, 2003 12:13 PM

I agree with the scorn heaped on Californians who move into other, shall we say, not so warm states. I grew up in Utah and went to college at BYU. Our second most favorite spectator sport was watching all of the rich kids from California try to drive in the winter.

After big storms we would look out of the dorm windows and bet on how many cars with CA license plates would either spin out in the parking lot or high center themselves on the snowplow mounds. It was always quite interesting.

Posted by: Brian on September 23, 2003 03:25 PM

Yeah, Neal, but the 'gators and Zachary Richard make up for it don't they?

Posted by: Cait on September 23, 2003 06:01 PM

I like autumn, but winter is my favorite season. There is nothing so exhilarating as making the first tracks on fresh snow, whether in boots, snowshoes, or snowboard.

Posted by: Mollbot on September 24, 2003 04:53 AM

Hey now. I'm from CA originally, and I can't live without snow in the winter!(thus the reason I live in Colorado now.)
I agree with the others. Fall is a fantastic time of year. I love the scents in the air, the color of the aspens, and the weather is beautiful. It feels like an early winter this year. Might snow by the middle of October (well, that's early for here). So, no, not all Californians are hyper sensitive to cold. *grin*

Posted by: Jon on September 24, 2003 10:52 AM

We only have two seasons: duck season and wabbit season.

Posted by: Evil Otto on September 24, 2003 04:28 PM
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