September 26, 2003
Brothers in the sky, brothers in the hunt.


His meaner older brother. The AC130H/U.

This article rings true, I found it via the good gentlman at Occham's Toothbrush. Sun Tzu is well understood by people who make the critical decisions. This makes alot of sense, remember Bush's "bring it on" comment? The goal has never been well hidden, it's to draw the fanatical fringe into the fight in Iraq. We aren't running from it, far from that, we are virtually begging them to come take on the infidel. The author referrs to the "flypaper" plan. I'm sure Sun Tzu would word it in more flowery terms, but in esscense that's what happening.

This President has one defining characteristic, he's resolute, unshakable in his set path. I disregard reports that he's concerned that it's getting out of hand. He manages information more like a general than a president. He holds his cards very close. If you've noticed, he is always percieved as at his weakest, right before the hammer drops. Something is coming soon. I feel it in my bones. Something big, I have no idea what, but I have a certainty that this is the calm before the storm.

Posted by Mark Edwards (puggs) at September 26, 2003 01:50 AM | TrackBack

I certainly hope you're right. You have more experience than me at watching politicians at their work.

Posted by: Mollbot on September 26, 2003 03:18 AM

"Something big, I have no idea what"

An admission of defeat?

Crawling back to the UN again?

Posted by: / on September 26, 2003 09:28 AM

/, you really are a 'tard of the first water, you know that? How much brown acid did you drop before you posted? I mean, damn!, but that has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever seen you say, especially in light of the events of the past 3 years.

Keep fantasizing, if you must, but always remember that your sick little fantasies have zero bearing on reality.

Posted by: Eichra Oren on September 26, 2003 09:59 AM

More ad hominum attacks, got anything to add rather than bile?

So Bush going cap in hand to the UN is a Fantasy?

Do you ever watch the news?

Posted by: / on September 26, 2003 11:03 AM

"hat in hand"?

You are are on drugs. Either you are incapible of understanding what you read, or english isn't your first language. Either way, you just embaress yourself by posting childlike taunts like that.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 26, 2003 11:27 AM

Oh, by the way,

"Something big, I have no idea what, but I have a certainty that this is the calm before the storm."

If you are going to qoute me, be good enough to use the entire sentence, and not just half of it.

Otherwise I might get the impression you were trying to distort what I actually said. You really don't want to be thought guilty of that now do you?

Sarcasm off/

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on September 26, 2003 12:57 PM

just ban him/her/it already. it gets to where i'm almost scared to read comments anymore. which i'd guess is his/her/it's goal.

Posted by: dr.dna on September 26, 2003 07:38 PM

Back to the UN? Oh yeah, they did such a good job in Bosnia didn't they? Oh wait, that was us. OK, how about Rwanda? Oh wait, that was the hundreds of thousands slaughtered. How about the Congo? Oh wait, they just stood around and watched as people were butchered. How about the Ivory Coast? Oh wait, that was unilateral action by France. How about Korea? Wait, that war is still technically going on. How about... um..... East Timor?

Posted by: Raging Dave on September 27, 2003 12:04 PM

"More ad hominum attacks,..."

Wow! You recognized an "error of logic"! Your intellect is simply STUNNING! OMFG! Wow!

" anything to add rather than bile?"

Not to a walking lower intestine like you. I save the real debate for real humans.

Posted by: Eichra Oren on September 28, 2003 08:08 PM
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