I have been scanning the stories of my favorite local IMC, looking for old Mos Def, but he hasn't been around lately. But I've been keeping track of another upstanding citizen of the indymedia empire who goes by the name 'Zorro' (no, I don't know why he calls himself that), who I disaffectionately call Z. Zorro is full-on future bulldozer material. Hates 'The Joooos', anyone who disagrees with him is a 'Zionist Oppressor', etc.
Well, someone was kind enough to post pics of the 7 month old girl who was killed by 'those brave palestinians' last Friday on the IMC yesterday.
Zorro's response "I am sure the NAZI have and had nice family photo albums as this too." And then threw in a quick "The Jews are way beyond their 1948 mandated zone for their 'Pure' Jewish state."
Well, I just couldn't let that stand and asked him if maybe he had forgotten a few 'minor details' about the 'occupied territories'.
He responded with your typical "you invaded Palestine" and "the 1967 war was initiated by the jews in israel". Ohh, the ones in Israel. I thought the ones in Hoboken had started the whole thing. And finished it all off with some drivel about jewish bankers, 100 million angry Muslims, etc.
So, I spent some time playing history teacher and then asked him what he liked best about fundamentalist Islam, "Hey Z, do like the part about stoning adulterous women, but not the men? Or do your prefer the gang rape of 14 year old girls by the village council when her 6 year old sister leaves the house without a male escort? I'm dying to know."
I have waited all night, but he still hasn't answered me. I hope he wasn't offended by the name I used to descibe him.
"And by the way Z, I really don't think you're a sack of shit. You're the whole shit sucking vaccum cleaner."
Posted by AnalogKid at September 30, 2003 04:02 AM | TrackBackNo offence, but with your debating "skills" I wouldnt be counting on an invite to the Oxford Union any time soon.
Posted by: / on September 30, 2003 06:42 AMWell, of course he won't be invited to OU. He's straight.
Posted by: Cait on September 30, 2003 06:44 AMHey "/", MENSA on line 1...NOT!
Has it occurred to you that debating skills are wasted on some people? Like you, for example. Oh, and I just love the whole passive-aggressive thing ("no offense..."). Gives you a cheap thrill, does it? A little frission, perhaps? When you grow up you might discover a thing called sex that works better.
BTW, read any Nietzsche lately? About, ooooh, I don't know, the slave morality for example? (cough*tool*cough)
Quoting Nietzsche?
Planning on flirting with fascism? oh I forgot, you are here aren't you.
Posted by: / on September 30, 2003 10:51 AMI knew you would say that! Predictable, as always. Maybe if I say it louder then: I AM A LIBERAL. While I'm not a Conservative, I don't see THEM as fascists. Now you: You defended the right of the Baathist regime to exist. It is fascist. What does that make you, tool?
I'm waiting...
Nietzsche was not a Nazi. His philosophies were converted and twisted into anti-Semitic rhetoric which was in turn used by Nazi propagandists. Somehow I am not surprised you didn't know that, even though it is one of the most debunked generalities in philosophic circles.
Posted by: Drake on September 30, 2003 11:58 AMOh No!. '/' thinks bad thoughts and words about my 'debating skills'! Whatever shall I do? I'm all a twitter now.
It is so difficult to show any skills when those who stop by to debate SUCK so bad.
Since Z won't answer me, I'll pose the same question to you. Stonings or gang rape? Which is the part you like best, '/'?
No answer, no more comments for you, maybe. I think that proposition sounds funnier than your 'insulting my debating skills'?
Posted by: analog kid on September 30, 2003 12:15 PMAnd 'mad RNS props' to Mad Mikey, for going into enemy territory and ZEROing in on Zorro.
Posted by: analog kid on September 30, 2003 12:48 PMhahahahaha
/ criticizes someone else's debating skills?
that's hilarious
Posted by: dr.dna on September 30, 2003 01:12 PM