October 04, 2003
Two faced

While current technology French missiles turn up in Irag, Chirac plays the fool, ......again. You would think shameless and French were the same word. Obviously no one here could possibly care less that Chirac is "disappointed" by the US position. That's kind of like Bill Clinton questioning the moral character of someone else, and just as absurd. The French are whores, they always have been. With notable exceptions, the French have always sold out their "friends" and paid lip service to our common enemies.

So, maybe the EU should push for a consensus seat and boot France off the Security Council. France say's they speak for Europe, that's a bad joke. They don't speak for Poland, Italy, Spain and any number of European states that have taken our side. They speak for the petty interests of a failed ex-empire. They speak for lefty stooges, anti-Americans and the nose in the air snobs of Old Europe, content and happy in their failure and impotence.

I consider it a badge of Honor when France dissagrees, we must be doing something right.

Posted by Mark Edwards (puggs) at October 04, 2003 03:55 PM | TrackBack
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