October 05, 2003
Remember how concerned everyone was

That the US would attack Iraq during Ramadan? I guess the world, and certainly Arafat's terrorists, don't hold the same level of concern for the Jewish celebration of Yom Kippur.

First, of course, there was the Yom Kippur War - where Egypt and Syria chose to attack on Yom Kippur purely because they perceived Israel would be pre-occupied with their holiest day, their "Day of Atonement".

And now, we have this suicide bombing at a jointly owned Arab/Jewish business right before the start of Yom Kippur. The female "martyr" who did this is human waste (now both figuratively and literally). But of course, she was driven to it because the Jews had the audacity to kill her terrorist brother - no matter what, it's always Israel's fault.

It's time we unshackle Israel and let her defend her citizens. Because this kind of shit is just pure evil incarnate. If Israel is going to be demonized no matter what she does, and if Arafat is just going to stand by and let his terrorists claim more and more innocent lives, then I say let Israel do whatever is necessary to defend her people.


Tom Paine over at Silent Running has some thoughts in a similar vein. His comment about having difficulty adequately atoning for the sin of anger seems particlularly germane to the point of this post.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at October 05, 2003 10:32 AM | TrackBack

Let's all join together for a collective sob....*sniff*.

That sound you hear is my heart bleeding purple slush water for the poor Palestinians that were turned into a crimson stain in that camp in Syria.

*sniff* Now I need a tissue....

Posted by: Mad Mikey on October 5, 2003 03:02 PM
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