October 06, 2003
Temper Tantrum

OK, I'm not sure what it is about this post from AK that got this commenter from overseas so worked up. Worked up enough to leave 10 hysterical comments in about 2 minutes (scroll down from the post to read them).

I can't tell if he/she's upset because they somehow got the idea that there was child porn here, or that they didn't actually find any when they arrived.

I'm not sure what he/she/it means about "our cover saying you could download child porn here", but RNS has never been into that kind of stuff, and would frankly kick the ass of anyone who even suggested it. But, apparently, we are "absolute mongs", whatever that means.

Why is this individual carrying on about a post from May, anyways?

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at October 06, 2003 05:56 PM | TrackBack

I think the fake email addy he left says alot bout him.

Posted by: analog kid on October 6, 2003 07:35 PM

That and the abolute lack of spelling, punctuation, and grammer, AK.

Posted by: Raging Dave on October 7, 2003 09:40 AM

Just delete the comments and be done with it. It's not like he brought anything of value into the thread.

Posted by: J. Wilde on October 7, 2003 06:50 PM

This is an example of the BBC controlling logical argument in the UK. However, you, back in May had a very good case, and as recent news out of London would have it. Gun Crime is spiraling upwards. Citzens are being slaughtered unable to defend themselves.⊂=Search&ei;=UTF-8&url;=6GsdwDm6WjIJ:www.guardian.co.uk/gun/0,2759,178412,00.html]BRITs Killed by Guns

Thomas Sowell makes an extremely good point about the media https://www.issues-views.com/index.php/sect/2001/article/2012

And the statistics speak for themselves. Lives saved by defensive gun use are not tracked, are not reported. Therefore, they are hidden from the world.

If this 1M estimate is true we cannot estimate the number of lives
saved since we do not have enough knowledge of the nature of the
incident to estimate the chance of death.

> If Kleck's latest results are are correct, and there are over
> 2.4 million incidents where people use guns defensively each year,
> there could be as many as 400,000 lives saved.


Posted by: MadDog on October 9, 2003 12:55 PM
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