October 11, 2003
Ahhhhh, leftist trolls

OK, so I head out for a little salmon fishing this morning. Leave at 4am, get back about 6pm, and find that someone who disagrees with the RNS stance on many things (like Woody Harrelson, Michael Moore, etc, etc) has posted MANY comments containing links to child pornography. So, I went through and deleted all of them, after forwarding copies to the appropriate authorities, and notified their ISP of what was going on. I wonder if I should be surprised that the ISP used traces back to Vancouver, Washington, which is VERY close to where I am right now. Perhaps my cover has been blown, and I'm being stalked by the wiley leftist assassin squads that were formed to save our country from the evils of Republican rule. Isn't it amazing that these guys, instead of EVER engaging in actual debate, choose to do things like this.

What about the fishing, you ask? All I can say is: 6 in the boat before lunchtime, 138# of salmon fillet needing to go somewhere..........

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at October 11, 2003 08:05 PM | TrackBack

OOOH! OOOH! If you need to get rid of some of that Salmon I volunteer to take the heavy burden!

Posted by: Mollbot on October 12, 2003 02:16 AM

I'm sorry, but did someone mention salmon that they needed to get rid of? Is that someone in the Pacific Northwest? Hmmmmmmmm......

I know a good smokehouse that could smoke it up right purdy for ya.....

Posted by: Raging Dave on October 12, 2003 11:14 AM

Down here around Frisco, the limit is 1 fish.

Posted by: Inspire 28 on October 12, 2003 01:03 PM

Limit here is 2 fish - there were 3 of us in the boat. Not too bad a way to spend a morning.

Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) on October 12, 2003 02:24 PM

Check out https://wizbangblog.com/archives/000945.php He has some valuable info on blocking people, a blacklist.txt. It will work in some browsers. And there will be a MT-Blacklist plugin come Monday that should help. In the meantime, I'll take salmon, I love salmon especially fresh caught salmon.

Posted by: mog on October 12, 2003 04:48 PM
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