Muslim Slave Trade and Genocides
It has a couple of links to some decent info on these subjects as well as the Muslim Crusades.
My old friend 'Zorro' jumps in to make excuses but, oh, just go and read.
Update: It seems Z has been a busy boy while I was taking some time off.
Go here to read about how Islam is kinder to women than Christianity, and go here to read a revised history of the 'Israeli/'palestinian' conflict by Alison Weir.
Saying Islam is kinder to women than christianity is like comparing pit bulls and rottweillers.
Posted by: bsti on October 13, 2003 03:51 AMFrom what I learned in history class, the British decided to form a mandate for a jewish state in the land that was recognized as Palestine to keep it away from the French.
The way I see it, the British forced two peoples together that wanted nothing at all to do with each other as a political move against the French.
Only the Zionists wanted that land, the ones that lobbied for it in the first place. Everyone else who lived or emigrated there were victims of circumstance.
I blame the brits for this mess~you don't throw cocks into the same ring unless you expect them to fight.
I have a question~why do the jews want that godforsaken land so bad? I sure wouldn't want to live there. It's a frickin wasteland.
But history has also taught me that no one wanted the jewish immigrants, not even the US, which is why they backed the British mandate in the first place.
It *was* a wasteland. This was courtesy of the invading Muslim armies who wanted their newly conquered territory to look a bit more like home. The jews who started emigrating to Palestine in the late 19th century were the ones who "made the desert bloom." They were willing to pay good money for that worthless desert in order to cultivate it and make it hospitable. They started buying it from the arab owners - who were happy to sell it - until some of them started to realize that those darn jews were buying up all the land and moving in, and then threatened any fellow muslim who sold land to the jews with death.