At UC Berkeley they have convinced themselves that 'those poor colored folk' can't do anything for themselves and must be helped by the charitable 'whitey'. Who is evil. You shouldn't forget the evil.
"More than 400 students -- nearly 90 percent of them minorities -- were admitted to UC Berkeley in 2001 with below average SAT scores under an admissions policy that was to have ended racial preferences at state universities, The Chronicle found in an analysis of admissions data."
"UC Berkeley officials developed the policy, which considers grades and SAT scores but includes other factors, such as socioeconomic status, after voters approved Proposition 209 in 1996 to ban affirmative action in admissions."
"But the analysis of the data shows that of the 422 among the bottom tier of admitted students, 378 were minorities. Seventeen were of unknown race and 27 were white."
"Considering the numbers, John Moores, chair of the UC Board of Regents, and Regent Ward Connerly, who spearheaded Prop. 209, are concerned that the policy might have been used as an end run around the ban on racial and ethnic preferences."
Posted by AnalogKid at October 14, 2003 02:55 AM | TrackBack