October 22, 2003
These boots were made for walking

My employer has hooked up my fellow employees and I with a new boot supplier. I was going through their catalog and found, what I believe should be the new standard issue footwear for all the soldiers in the VRWC's Jackboot Brigades.

Let me describe the boot to you. They are made of full grain leather on the outside and Kevlar on the inside. They have both a steel toe and a built-in metatarsal guard along with a stainless steel bottom plate so that if you step on a protester's dropped sign as you are chasing them out of the street, your feet are protected all the way around.

They are shock proof and shed static electricity so that when you knock down their stage and 220V audio equipment at a demonstration with a fire hose, you won't get electrocuted.

They are heat resistant and fire proof so that after you set fire to their homes and are walking through the ashes, you are protected from the calf down.

They are waterproof all the way up to the calf as well. You can slosh your way through hippie and anarcho-commie blood, saliva and entrails up to 10 inches deep without getting your socks dirty. You know those socks that are being specially manufactured in Wolfowitz's central asian sweatshops for the Brigades. You certainly don't want those to get dirty. We need the bleach to pour down the throats of the Gitmo prisoners.

The best thing about them is the new toe design. Called the "Tiger Tip", it is ribbed for your pleasure. Just image the look on the face of the next hippie as you remove these stompers from their ass after being ankle deep.

And remember, hippies wear hemp and these full grain leather boots are clean again after just one wipe with that abrasive material.

Posted by AnalogKid at October 22, 2003 03:09 AM | TrackBack

Another powerful selling point are the Vibram soles. I LOVE the pattern they make on the faces of those oxygen thieves when I walk all over them!

Posted by: Bloodthirsty Warmonger on October 22, 2003 08:50 AM


Posted by: Drake on October 22, 2003 09:53 AM

Only problem I see is the crap that gets stuck between the threads.....
but it's nothing that a good hose off won't take care of if you do it right away.
Those are loverly!

Posted by: SondraK on October 22, 2003 12:25 PM

Hmmmmmm, look like my Matterhorns except for the pinko abrasion device on the toe.

Posted by: alfredo stroessner on October 22, 2003 05:13 PM

It's an unfortunate fact that any boot tread worth using also gets stuff stuck in it, Sondra. The place I live now has a large maple tree, and every day I come home from work and have to pick those damn helicopter seeds out of my treads. I've just got a lightweight pair of Rockports, but once they've passed their prime I may definitely look into these, they look pretty nice...

Posted by: Mollbot on October 23, 2003 12:10 AM

I like it. Second, it was rap, and in entering barbie into a style I knew comparatively litle about, yosilogy and doing it in a more or less deliberately contact lens goofy, off-the-cuff, laid-back kind of way, shoes I was able to come at it without my defenses loan up, without being as critical or judgemental. mortgage It didnt have to be sublime - it was fun. luggage It didn't have to be profound - it was social. job

Posted by: job on November 10, 2003 09:34 PM
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