November 03, 2003
A thought on Halloween

I have a question.

I am not a purveyor of horror films. I like comedies and/or a good action film over the scare/gore genre. But over the last few days the wife has watched, either on TV or on tape, a large number of the fright fest style films including the first couple of Friday the 13th's and John Carpenter's Halloween.

I sat idly by while she did this (cleaning firearms from a weekend at the range), and as I watched Michael Myers (sp?) and Jason get shot, stabbed, crushed, burned, etc, and not die, I was beginning to wonder if maybe there was a simpler way to put an end to these guys. So my question is,

Has anyone ever tried to 'Dutch Oven' either of these guys?

Posted by AnalogKid at November 03, 2003 12:01 AM | TrackBack

I don't know, but it's an interesting suggestion.

I was a fan of the British Hammer films, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee. The immortal monster is as old as myth. Dracula always came back, Frankenstein always was rebuilt, and Michael will always reanimate.

The only permenate method I ever saw was the one to kill Jack the Ripper in the original Star Trek series. They dumped him in a transporter and scattered his atoms across half a parsec. Difficult for him to "get it together" after that.

We may have to wait a century or too for that option to come along.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 3, 2003 02:28 AM

Don't sell DARPA short, Puggs... they're already transporting particles, I bet it takes less than a couple centuries to work up from there.

Posted by: Mollbot on November 3, 2003 02:53 PM
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