I found this just a few minutes ago on instapundit. Andrew Sullivan was kind enough to hold it up for all to see.
Warning, this is NOT going to be family safe, or very PC, it's going to be what I would say face to face.
I Hope the Bloodshed Continues in Iraq
Well, that should bring the bats out of the attic with fangs dripping. I won't be hypocritcal. It is politically correct, particularly in any Dem discussion to hope and pray and feel for our troops and scream "bring them back now". I'm fighting something bigger.
I'm a 58 year old broad and I can tell you that what is going on in our country isn't the usual ebb and flow of politics where one party is in power and then another; where the economy goes through ups and downs.......yawn, yawn--just wait a bit and things will turn out peachy keen. That stupid la-la land is over.
I realize that not every GI Joe was 100peeercent behind Prseeedent Booosh going into this war; but I do know that that is what an overwhelming number of them and their famlies screamed in the face of protesters who were trying to protect these kids. Well, there is more than one way to be "dead" for your country. They are not only not accompishing squat in Iraq, they are doing crap nothing for the safety, defense of the US of A over there directly. But "indirectly" they are doing a lot.
The only way to get rid of this slime bag WASP-Mafia, oil barron ridden cartel of a government, this assault on Americans and anything one could laughingly call "a democracy", relies heavily on what a shit hole Iraq turns into. They need to die so that we can be free. Soldiers usually did that directly--i.e., fight those invading and harming a country. This time they need to die in defense of a lie from a lying adminstration to show these ignorant, dumb Americans that Bush is incompetent. They need to die so that Americans get rid of this deadly scum. It is obscene, Barbie Bush, how other sons (of much nobler blood) have to die to save us from your Rosemary's Baby spawn and his ungodly cohorts.
Two words.--Ignorant cunt.
I can tell you now that if this raving idiot shared a cell with ten male gorillas and got herself gangfucked to death, I would sleep just fine. She has crossed the line. This isn't politics anymore, she openly calls for the deaths of our service people so she may forment revolution, she spits on everything 98% of us agree on.
This is a time for the gloves to come off, no niceties for her, no novicane, no pads, she gets the full crowbar of justice.
Gavin was by all accounts a good man, a decent kid, and he's gone now. A member of my wife's family and he is no more. How did he die?....What the papers didn't say, he had half his head blown off by an RPG. Not a pretty bloodless movie death, but a horrible rending realtime death in combat. That this sow draws oxygen from a world that nurtured boys like him offends me. I, God help me, can't help but think if granted God like powers for only a second she would be cast screaming into the deepest bowels of Hell. These are our blood for Christ's sake, our brothers, our sisters, our kin. These aren't some faceless corperate boogeyman she can rant about while sipping her herbal tea and rolling her eyes at the people of her own nation. These boys and girls are our life, our hope, the best of us all. Damn her to Hell, she would rot slowly if there were real justice. Evil is the word, manifest drooling and slavering evil.
This is what she fears.
The future of Iraq is joined with ours now. Every baby saved, every school built, every hunger fed, are a bridge to a region where fear and death are as alien and repugnant as this putrid old cow. A region where jihad is greeted with horror and not joy. More of her fear,
Rotting wretchs like her are rarely seen in the daylight, for good reason. There isn't a deadman or woman in all of Iraq that wouldn't be of greater value than a thousand of her. I pray she has the stupidity to say these things in public, so that she can be the subject of the fury of the boys and girls families who worry themselves sick with fear.
I once spent a time talking to a woman who was shopping late, she was tired, so tired. She fumbled everything, dropping her keys, her wallet, speaking almost incoherently. Finally I walked over and asked if I could help, what was wrong.
Her son had just arrived in Iraq with the 82nd.
So I pulled her aside, and we talked for a bit. About her children, nearly all grown, and mine. We talked of a parents fears, we talked of her son's bravery, of her husbands service, of mine. We shared a bit more than strangers should, but by God I would give anything to take the place of even one of those kids going over. She said her husband felt the same, but we're both to old, to busted up to be accepted anymore.
So the children will continue to go.
I gave her the only thing I could, my prayers for her son, and my thanks for me and my family. I couldn't ease her fear any, but for a moment anyway, I let her see her son as I and many others do,....a hero. A smile and tears of gratitude are what she gave me, and do you know I still think about her and her son, whom I'll never see. I still worry about them.
A right thing, not the frivilous politics of progressive trend and college greens, but the common sense of a rancher. We are trying to do what is nearly impossible, free a people of tyranny and ourselves from fear. It isn't rocket science, evil must be rooted out, driven from it's hole and killed.
That Dem underground wench can stand aside, and hate until it eats her up like cancer. But we are on the side of the angels here, of that I have no doubt.
Gavin did his part, that nameless boy is doing his, I won't suffer an insult to them. Not now, not ever.
Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 05, 2003 09:41 PM | TrackBackPosts like that are why I *Hope* they try to stage a revolution in 2005, like they say they want to. Then we can kill ALL of them, and those brave soldiers will no longer be obligated to protect their flabby, wasteful asses.
Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 5, 2003 10:18 PMthumbs up, way up!!
except for one thing....
WTF do you have against gorillas? :)
Posted by: toddk73 on November 5, 2003 10:20 PMTwo words: Excellent Mark!
Mr. Silva, I hope for 'the revolution' everyday. I've been hearing about it for 15 years now, and I'm getting impatient. Hell, I think that the wait is part of the reason I stay in Seattle.
Posted by: analog kid on November 5, 2003 11:46 PM"It isn't rocket science, evil must be rooted out, driven from it's hole and killed."
It can't be said any better. Great post, Mark.
Posted by: Interested-Participant on November 6, 2003 06:56 AMAK, you can always move. Just stay within 15 miles or so of a liberal arts college. Hell, LSU is going to be lousy with moonbats, if they start their 'revolution'. Well, for the first hour or so anyway.
PS- its SivUla, Finnish, not Italian. :)
Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 6, 2003 09:52 AMamen, Mark. you have such a way with expressing this kind of emotion so well. outrage doesn't even begin to describe it.
God bless.
Posted by: nathalie on November 7, 2003 01:11 PM