November 05, 2003
I think Hell just froze over

The Instapundit points to this. An Arab News columnist has changed his mind and now supports the war for Iraq.

No, I don�t believe that by going to war, America had dark designs on Iraq�s oil or pursued an equally dark conspiracy to �help Israel.� I believe that the US, perhaps willy-nilly, will end up helping Iraqis regain their human sanity, their social composure and the national will to rebuild their devastated nation.

Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 05, 2003 10:20 PM | TrackBack

Holy shit....

I NEVER thought I'd see that.

Somebody pass Satan a sweater - it's gettin' cold down there.

Posted by: Mike the Marine on November 6, 2003 08:59 AM

Yeah, I saw that on another site and had to read it twice. I then wondered aloud at how long it would take before his countrymen have him assasinated. Of course, the mass population that may get a chance to read it will just chock it up to another part of the great conspriacy.

Posted by: radtec on November 6, 2003 03:08 PM
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