November 08, 2003
Overreacting, my ass.......

I guess this means that the US was right to be on alert in the Kingdom of Saud.....

I guess the mujahadeen weren't too discriminating in their latest attack (unlike 9/11, where only evil Americans were killed, of course)

Saudi officials said however virtually all the residents at the bombed compound were Arabs. One resident said most were Lebanese, Egyptians and Syrians.

"This is a crime against innocents which is in the style of al Qaeda. It is an al Qaeda operation," a security source told Reuters. "This is a suicide operation."

Too bad the residents of this compound didn't hang a few nuclear Barbie Mujahadeen wards at the gates.

Happy Ramadan, everyone!

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at November 08, 2003 11:36 PM | TrackBack
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