November 10, 2003
Screw this place

No, that's not a sentiment I am currently expressing. It's the name of a blog that has linked to RNS for a while now, and I see it pop up on the referrer's list quite a bit. The blog itself is unusual, personal, and often unnerving. Go check it out and see if you don't agree.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at November 10, 2003 12:42 PM | TrackBack

not to sound overly judgemental, but "screw this place" reads like a prison bleat from someone with a dominant cellmate and internet access.

Posted by: guard man on November 10, 2003 02:51 PM

That writing is so vague and personal that it makes me want to yell, WHAT'S THIS MEAN?!

Posted by: TB StLouis on November 10, 2003 02:59 PM

Thanks for the plug.

Guard man, I'm sorry you don't like it.

Posted by: jagr on November 10, 2003 07:35 PM

I love his website, his entries are so beautiful. :)

you are all just jealous!

Posted by: Kari on November 10, 2003 07:41 PM

Like I said, just a wee bit unnerving. But, it seems like everyone comes away with some type of visceral feeling, and that's all that counts.

Posted by: Neal on November 10, 2003 08:00 PM

I found it very sexy.
And unnerving. Like any minute smeone's going to pop up and say "Suprise! It's Michael Jackson" or something like that.
But I hope not.
Me likey.

Posted by: SondraK on November 10, 2003 08:27 PM

Actually, is Jagr a "he" or a 'she"?

The only Jagr I have ever known in my life was a woman (except Jaromir Jagr, who is a Czech born hockey player, and who I am pretty sure is not the author of Screw This Place).

Posted by: Neal on November 10, 2003 08:32 PM

Jagr is a HE and his real name is Brandon...we gave him the nickname in like 7th grade becuase he used to have long hair and looked like Jaromir Jagr

Posted by: Brett on November 10, 2003 10:28 PM

OK, so some one who LOOKS like Jaromir Jagr is the author of STP. In that case, it's a good thing that Jagr is male.

Posted by: Neal on November 11, 2003 07:58 AM
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