We are coming apart at the seams, another Vietnam, quagmire, hopeless, oh Hell let's just friggin surrender then. That's the hope they have anyway. That we'll run home crying and turn to socialism for comfort. How can they be that stupid? Enterview some malcontents and urbanites and pass it off as majority opinion.
Where I live the outlook is different.
Those showdowns included Operation Peach, the taking of a bridgehead at the Euphrates River where Morseth's unit fought for 24 hours straight against the Medina and Hammarabi Divisions, the most formidable of Hussein's units next to the Republican Guard.
"It was non-stop, heavy duty ... . It was a massive firefight," he said.
Troops hadn't slept or eaten for four days, but pushed on to take the airport roughly 24 hours later, he said.
"The near-death experiences didn't bother me so much. It was the thought of having to write letters to families of soldiers killed in action," he said.
Morseth's parents, Wayne and Janet Morseth, rallied friends and the community to send packages to troops stationed in the Mideast when their son shipped out. The collection drive went well, the couple said. In fact, so many packages were sent that it was impossible to come up with a total, they said.
"The support was great," Justin said. "People in the community really amazed me. I got letters and packages from people I hadn't heard from in years."
Morseth shared his packages with the 40 men under his direct command and when he told his parents to "send more food" in a letter before the combat operations began, they came up with the idea for the package drive.
Sure we're ready for revolt, .........sure we are. A handful of pussies does not a movement make. This is heartland, flyover country, the people who voted FOR Mr. Bush, and it's our young that serve.
Our opinion counts only at the ballot box, where leftwing spin is worth less than dust. Where the hysteria of defeat is shown for what it is, panic and cowardice by fools and lefty partisans.
Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 15, 2003 09:37 PM | TrackBack'A handful of pussies does not a movement make.' - Mark
Amen, Mark, amen.