November 20, 2003
mmmm, tasty

I doubt that it made the national news, but western Washingon had it's first snow of the season (actually, in a couple of years) yesterday.

So, to celebrate the event, I would like to present you all, my recipie for Hot Spiced Cider.

8 cups Apple Cider or Apple Juice
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1-6 inch cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon of whole allspice
1 tablespoon of whole cloves
8 thin orange wedges (optional)
1 6 inch by 6 inch piece of doublethick 100% cotton cheesecloth

Break up or grind the cinnamon stick and place it in the middle of the cheesecloth along with the allspice and cloves. Bring the corners together and tie with string. This will be your spicebag.

Combine cider (or juice) and the brown sugar in a saucepan. Place your spicebag into the saucepan and bring to boiling.

You may add additional cinnamon stcks to the individual glasses to taste.

Serves 6.

I am sure that my good man Mark has plenty more recipies for many tasty things as well. And here is to the hope that he will share some of them with us throughout the holiday season.


PS - if you ask nice, I may share my recipie for real hot chocolate tomorrow so you can have it over the weekend.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 20, 2003 02:57 AM | TrackBack

I think a slug of Laird's Apple Jack would round it out in spades, particularly on a cold night.

Posted by: Parkway Rest Stop on November 20, 2003 04:08 AM

Ahem! I , um, wouldn't know, um, anything about that. Yeah.

Posted by: analog kid on November 20, 2003 01:31 PM

Lets see....nope, no hooch at all in this recipe.


Posted by: radtec on November 20, 2003 03:19 PM

Be nice, radtec. The man said 'SPICED' Apple Cider, not 'SPIKED' Apple Cider. ;)

Posted by: Eric Sivula on November 20, 2003 06:38 PM

I was perplexed by the abscence of Apple Brandy...or as I enjoy it, a big splash of Scotch, Johnny Walker Black Label preferably.

Posted by: Capt Morpholine on November 20, 2003 10:22 PM
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