In a follow up to Mark's post the other day,
"We really want to stop Bush and Blair from going around killing babies," she said. "Our objective is to force the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan."
But what if a U.S. withdrawal means the return of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein?
"Anything would be better than American Imperialist rule," she snapped back.
Nope, still sounds stupid.
In this article linked to by the exellent, Ms. Michele at A Small Victory, we find out exactly who it is that is lying to get people to protest Bush and Blair.
The coalition has a steering committee of 33 members. Of these, 18 come from various hard left groups: Communists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and Castrists. Three others belong to the radical wing of the Labour party. There are also eight radical Islamists. The remaining four are leftist ecologists known as "Watermelons" (Green outside, red inside).
The chairman of the coalition is one Andrew Murray, a former employee of the Soviet Novosty Agency and leader in the British Communist party. Cochair is Muhammad Asalm Ijaz of the London Council of Mosques. Members include John Rees of the Socialist Workers' party and Ghayassudin Siddiqui of the Muslim Parliament. Tanja Salem of the Al-awdah (The Return) group, an outfit close to Yasser Arafat, is also a member along with Shahedah Vawda of "Just Peace," another militant Arab group, and Wolf Wayne of the "Green Socialist Network."
A prominent member is George Galloway, a Labour-party parliamentarian under investigation for the illegal receipt of funds from Saddam Hussein. In his memoirs, Galloway says that the day the Soviet Union collapsed was "the saddest day" of his life.
Galloway says the only terrorism in the world today comes from the United States, not from organizations such as al Qaeda or the remnants of the Iraqi Baath party.
It is not hate from folks on my side that makes us not want to live under their shiny happy rules, but it is hate that fuels their protest against a justified and necessary war against people who would just as soon kill every protester as look at them.
Posted by AnalogKid at November 20, 2003 02:29 PM | TrackBackBABY KILLERS!!!! HERE'S THE PROOF!!!,5478,6539723%5E25777,00.html
Oops...wrong side, sorry. :-)
Posted by: Brian on November 20, 2003 02:55 PMOh it's so nice watching you squeal with hate and fear, almost makes it all worthwhile.
What you dont understand is that our real audience is not you, sitting behind your screens in the heart of America, our audience is our friends amongst the masses of the majority of the world, in Africa,in China in Palestine and in Asia.
We, the majority world, are not going to sit back and take it any more, get used to it.
Posted by: jhjhj on November 20, 2003 03:11 PM"We, the majority world, are not going to sit back and take it any more, get used to it."
Take what exactly? Ample food, freedom to choose, freedom from tyrrany? What exactly are you trying to get away from. ;-)
Jees, go smoke another bong and hallucinate about your "workers paradise". We'll be over here actually producing something with our lives.
Posted by: Brian on November 20, 2003 03:19 PMWow, friends in China _and_ Asia. Pretty impressive.
Posted by: Brendan on November 20, 2003 03:29 PMI feel incredibly threatened now that this person and all of its 'friends' are the 'real audience.' Probably a Yale student or something. No wait I think even Yale students know how to spell "ciao."
Posted by: RachelCorriePancakes on November 20, 2003 03:40 PMGreat!! Don't sit back and take it anymore! By all means get up offa your ass and do something productive!
Posted by: St Rachel O'Caterpillar on November 20, 2003 04:02 PMTo H,
No WE'RE not gonna take it anymore.
We are not going to listen to you pacifist, communist, anti-American pieces of shit. We are going free the world from the largest religious hate cult in human history: Islam.
You either join us and help kill terrorists and free oppressed people, or you can die with the oppressors. Your choice. Don't wait too long, your time is almost up.
You are either with us or against us.
Posted by: ....a moment with Easycure on November 20, 2003 04:45 PMJust as I thought, he accused us of being full of hate (with no facts to back it up, of course) and then flys off to clain that his side owns the world (with no facts to back it up, again).
It must be something in his bottled water.
Posted by: analog kid on November 20, 2003 05:20 PMAnd what you don't realize, Harm, is that we don't give a shit.
China (and Asia, even!) will continue to develop as a world power - as long as they continue their entry into capitalism. There's no other way for them to sustain their population. But of course, communism and socialism have cures for those pesky "overpopulation" problems, now don't they? What an unmitigated wanker.
By the way, what are you doing working for a good old American company like Hewlett Packard? Year, I know they are worldwide, but they were formed here in the good old US of A, and I thought a good little commie like yourself would eschew working for an evil capitalist conglomerate like that.
Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) on November 20, 2003 05:34 PM>>"By the way, what are you doing working for a >>good old American company like Hewlett Packard?"
A cancer within that needs to be cutout and burned, just like the other of "H"'s stripe.
Posted by: Kurt on November 20, 2003 05:49 PMYeah jhjhjh, your friends..;$sessionid$VLMZ5DIECYAWPQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2003/06/10/wliber10.xml&sSheet;=/news/2003/06/10/ixworld.html
these the friends you mean?
Posted by: dr.dna on November 21, 2003 01:33 AMerm actually substitute the first two links with this:
the quotes I'm referring to are buried in those two..
Posted by: dr.dna on November 21, 2003 01:36 AMDont give a sh*t N? so why have you been going on about nothing else for the last week?
Nice try at witchunting BTW...
Posted by: on November 21, 2003 09:28 AMIn your case wouldn't that be "BITCH" hunting? Since you sorry little Marxist bitchs can't seem to learn from history or current events, we'll just keep rubbing your little inbred noses in it.
Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 21, 2003 10:24 AM