November 21, 2003
Mmmm, Tasty Pt.II

Well, due a couple of lushs posing as critics of my brewing technique and ingredients, I will be waiting until later next week to give out my Real Hot Chocolate recipie.

OK, that is just a ruse. Wifey took it to work. Anyway...

And after that, for those of you who like your hot chocolate like you like women (or men), milky white pale, red on top and steaming hot, I'll try to find the White Real Hot Chocolate recipie.

Until then, a tip of the glass to all the real American heroes. Our service men and women.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 21, 2003 12:21 AM | TrackBack

I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate in the world, I could take it or leave it. But I do like the occasional cup of cocoa.

I can't reply to the how do I like my cocoa like my women line, because my mother and sister in law's read here, and I want my wife not to beat me in my sleep. She widdle, but fear much!

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 22, 2003 01:24 AM
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