November 21, 2003
Giving to them what is owed

In the continuing project to payback linkers to the Pro Troops Rally post, I give you he who is tougher than nails, meaner than Mr. T without coffee and, from what I hear, plays a really big guitar.... The Ville!

I want to show you all his post challenging one Ted "The Red" Rall to a mano e mano, good old fashioned bareknuckles boxing match.

He has proposed before and after pics of Ted "No Balls" Rall here.

And he got a limpwristed psuedo respone from Teddy "The Teat Sucker" here.

Also keep an eye out as Mr. Ville will pop up with a post every now and then contaning some kick-ass rockabilly, blues and old time country tunes.

Posted by AnalogKid at November 21, 2003 01:04 AM | TrackBack

Call that a demo?

If we ever got any less that 10,000 we would be too embarrased to even mention it.

Posted by: on November 21, 2003 09:26 AM

Intelligent, free spirited individualists don't herd like the sheep on the left. We win elections, so why do we need to wear clown makeup and dance when some commisar calls like you do?

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 21, 2003 10:13 AM

Oh that is funny, you had an pathetic turnout and then claim that this is what you expected.

Go back to shooting pumpkins, it's all your good for!

Posted by: on November 21, 2003 10:44 AM

Ooohhh, Harm is particularly nasty and cranky today. Must be the pathetic turnout that the socialists were able to muster against the biggest terrorist threat in the world.

At least we're good for SOMETHING.

Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) on November 21, 2003 10:52 AM

100,000 is pathetic?

While the 25 you managed is what, a success?


Keep dreaming chaps, and of couse blowing away those evil vegetables!

Posted by: on November 21, 2003 11:11 AM

Let's see - 1,000 from the Tacoma area of Washington, who spontaneously appear after hearing a radio show, vs. 70,000 from the entire continent of Eurpoe, and this following months of planning and millions of dollars worth of organizational dollars. You're comparing apples to oranges, Harm. And yes, your effort to show Bush how "hated" he is was PATHETIC. There will be 5 times that many at the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade on Thurday.

But hey, keep defending a failed ideology - being a laughing stock hasn't deterred youto this point, now has it?

Posted by: Neal (Nukevet) on November 21, 2003 11:48 AM

Hey jarjar, exactly who is the idiot here.

You demanded that we believe your bullshit about 100's of thousands showing up just because Reuters said so, and when we provided proof that not even a single hundred thousand people from the entire continent of Europe could get off their lazy leftist asses to protest the man they most hate, you say that we had a pathetic turnout.

Hey asshole, it wasn't our event.

Add to that the fact you can't even put your comment the proper comments section. Twice.

Plus the fact that you apparently work for an American company and are 1. willing to take their mony for your daily sustinence, and 2. are willing to trade your labor to enrich the American stock holders of that company.

Do I smell hypocrite? Mmm, yes I do.

Go head off and plan your activities for your weekend hatefest. We're all still waiting for some evidence of how 'hate filled' we are.

Fucking turd wrestling, shit bucket.

Posted by: analog kid on November 21, 2003 04:18 PM

Do try and calm down chaps. it's not my fault reality has yet again punctured your little balloon (remember Neal and his "dow 10,000" oh how we laughed!)

As for hate, have a little look at the above, there is no greater proof of the meaness and small minded violence of your clique.

The demo in London would be "small", it would be violent, that was your spin. Instead we had a huge, dignified message to the world that we in our millions disagree with your presidents war of all against all.

It's been nice watching y'all squirm over the last few days, enjoying you dance to the tune we set. I look forward to many more days like the last few soon.

Posted by: h on November 21, 2003 05:37 PM

Jarjar, when we burn your leaders in effigy, then you can claim hate. Me calling you names shows only disdain. I understand your need to feel like a victim, and as cute as it is, you cannot say that we hate you.

Your piddly demonstration did nothing but show the world that you all cannot bring the numbers you think you have and promised (that makes you liars. But then again you're all socialists, so go figure), but also that you are all spoiled children. When the popular kid shows up, all you can do is bitch and moan in a corner.

Your message was only 'dignified' if you compare it to the anarchists that took a shit on the steps of the federal building in SF this summer. Othewise, it was about as 'dignified' as a fart in an elevator.

I think that you need to read a little closer, you smelly hypocrite. That was my DOW 10,000 post. I don't remember much laughing and I would really like you to come aound here for some crow when it comes to be next spring/summer.

But for some reason, I'm pretty sure you're cowardly ass will find something else to be doing then.

And I don't dance.

Posted by: analog kid on November 21, 2003 05:49 PM

As I recall I never predicted that the protests would be anything, violent or small. I simply compared the numbers that your beloved ass monkey leadership claimed against the police and media numbers. They didn't match, now did they? They never match because to a communist, truth is what you can get enough saps to believe as opposed to what actually happened.

AK's right, no one here could really hate you, that would require that we give you more thought than the time it takes to endure your simpering comments. I forget you the minute I close the comments box. Besides, I pity your ass too much to hate you. Such a loser, so bitter, so twisted in hate that the only fun you seem to have is to insult other people and spit on their beliefs.

We tried to engage you early on, tried to debate, but you only hissed and spitted like an old alleycat. Not one gentle toned comment off politics, not one note of compassion for anyone suffering tradgedy in an article, not one brief glimpse that might hint at a human being behind the spittle covered dogma. Your humor is black as coal, laughing when our people die, disdaining grief when it's expressed,.............

You're not a man, not in any defineable sense. So pity is the only sensible option other than contempt. Everyone who comments here regularly has shown a human side, humor, or sorrow for great events. Everyone but you.

It's a small and ugly world you inhabit.

How lonely for you.

Posted by: Mark (puggs) on November 22, 2003 01:15 AM
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