The bigotry that dare not be named, fashionable as it is in ye old Europe, has been researched, studied and a report has been filed. Then it was promptly killed and buried. Why? Because they didn't like the conclusions............................
When the researchers submitted their work in October last year, however, the centre's senior staff and management board objected to their definition of anti-semitism, which included some anti-Israel acts. The focus on Muslim and pro-Palestinian perpetrators, meanwhile, was judged inflammatory.
Oh by all means lets not pick nits here, poor little islamicist and terror loving assholes might be offended. Can't have that, no we can't tell the truth, it might give the wrong impressions to people.
Like they haven't learned jack in Europe, where yellow spines go hand in hand with PC dogma. Ass kissing the radical muslims won't get them spared, they have ample proof of that, they just refuse to see it and stop bending over.
From Instapundit.
Posted by Mark (puggs) at November 23, 2003 02:29 AM | TrackBack